General terms for participation in training organized by Compendium Centrum Edukacyjne Spółka z o.o. (Compendium Educational Centre Ltd.) are as follows:
I. | |
Training organizer | |
Training is organized by Compendium - Centrum Edukacyjne Sp. z o.o. (Compendium - Educational Centre Ltd.) located in Kraków, ul. Tatarska 5, entered into the commercial register by the District Court for Kraków-Śródmieście, Economic Register Division VI under No. KRS 0000039600. | |
II. | |
Training | |
Compendium - Centrum Edukacyjne Sp. z o.o. organizes training within the scope and at dates specified in the details in the training offer. | |
III. | |
Application for participation | |
Application for participation shall be sent to Compendium - Centrum Edukacyjne sp. z o.o., ul. Tatarska 5, 31-108 Kraków in the form of a fax or electronic mail using an application form specified in an enclosure hereof. Applications may also be sent from the internet site at Applications are accepted up to 10 business days, at the latest, before the beginning of a training session(the date of receipt of an application by Compendium - Centrum Edukacyjne sp. z o.o. is valid). After this deadline, an application for participation is allowed based on a prior phone arrangement with Compendium - Centrum Edukacyjne sp. z o.o. and receipt of a filled-in application form in one of above-mentioned forms. | |
IV. | |
Resignation from participation - withdrawal from an agreement by an Applicant | |
V. | |
Changes | |
In the case that a training is cancelled on the arranged date, Compendium - Centrum Edukacyjne sp. z o.o. will, according to the Applicant's choice, give back the amount paid in full or arrange a training session at a new date agreed uopn between both sides. Compendium - Centrum Edukacyjne sp. z o.o. reserves the right to change prices and schedules of training sessions. An Applicant shall be notified about such changes at least 3 days before the date a training session begins, and in such a case an Applicant may withdraw from an agreement on conditions specified in item IV above, and recieve back the advance paid, without an obligation to pay training costs. An applicant has a right to change names of persons appointed to participate in a training session until a training begins. | |
VI. | |
Training charges and payment terms | |
Training charges include: training cost, a set of training materials and certificates, catering (lunch, coffee breaks). Accommodation cost is not included in the training price unless other agreements are made by an Applicant with Compendium - Centrum Edukacyjne sp. z o.o. In case of training session ordered with CTAB tablet - its cost is included in the price of the course. |
VII. | |
Discounts | |
We offer attractive discounts for groups and regular clients. The discounts may not be used with other discounts and promotions (including equipment purchases). The discount may not be paid in cash. In the case of an internal training for companies individual arrangements shall apply. Prices of the training sessions with CTAB tablets aren't subject to discount. In case of the dedicated courses, terms will be set individually. | |
VIII. | |
Personal data protection | |
The administrator of personal data is Compendium - Centrum Edukacyjne Spółka z o.o. with headquarters in Krakow, ul. Tatarska 5,30-103 Kraków, e-mail: In matters related to your data, you can contact the appointed Data Protection Officer, e-mail and, or by writing to the correspondence address of Compendium - Centrum Edukacyjne Spółka z o.o. ul. Tatarska 5, 30-103 Krakow The data will be processed in order to send commercial and marketing information and send the newsletter on the basis of expressed consent. Data can be shared:
The data will be stored for the duration of the order and after-sales services, and if this period can not be determined - until you express your objection. You have the right to access your personal data, rectify it, delete or limit processing. You have the right to object to further processing, and if you agree to the processing of data for its withdrawal. The exercise of the right to withdraw consent does not affect the processing that took place until the consent was withdrawn. You also have the right to transfer data. Please be advised that your personal data will not be profiled. You have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory body of the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection in the case of processing your personal data in a manner that violates the provisions of the GDPR. |
IX. | |
Copyright | |
All trainings available at Compendium CE are protected by copyright. Copying training materials and / or registration, audio video recording, photographing trainings, as well as Leaders or other Participants. And it is illegal and prohibited to share such materials and recordings with third parties. Subject to criminal liability as described in the Copyright Act (Act of February 4, 1994, consolidated text of 2006) | |
X. | |
Complaints | |
At Compendium CE, we value the provision of our educational services at the highest level, which is why it is so important to us that every person who encounters services below the level of their expectations can report any doubts to us. In order to streamline and facilitate the submission of complaints, misconduct, complaints, we have prepared the following action path: 1. Each of our employees (administrative service, sales department employees, Trainers) has been properly trained to help our clients in any situation. Therefore, we ask you to directly report any problem as soon as it is discovered to a convenient person from our staff. This will allow us to react dynamically and without delay to resolve the incident immediately. 2. If the above solution does not bring the expected effect, or the direct form does not correspond to the situation. Please use the option of submitting a written complaint to the following e-mail address: This complaint must contain information such as: - Name and surname of the advertiser and the recipient of the service, the training participant (we also leave the option of submitting a complaint anonymously, but then making redress becomes almost impossible due to the inability to locate the injured party) - Name, date, form of the advertised service - A full, detailed description of the non-compliance, together with evidence of its occurrence Within the next 48 business hours, we will send you information confirming receipt of the document. 3. Within 14 business days of receiving the confirmation, we will provide information on the outcome of the complaint. During this period, properly trained staff will examine every aspect indicated in the complaint as not meeting the proper level of service, checking all evidence, as well as interviewing staff participating in the delivery of training, exam, etc. 4. As a result of considering the complaint in the positive mode for the Ordering Party, he has the right to compensation. Compensation will be determined on an individual basis between the Employer and the Contractor in accordance with the Employer's suggestions. The forms of compensation include, among others: repeated performance of the service, reimbursement of costs incurred by the Ordering Party, supplementing the part of the service that is subject to complaint or other forms agreed individually. 5. If you are not satisfied with the result of the complaint process, you can appeal. An appeal can be submitted on the same terms as submitting a complaint. |