Szkolenia Google Cloud

Cel szkolenia szkolenie zdalne - dlearning

This accelerated on-demand course introduces participants to the Big Data and Machine Learning capabilities of Google Cloud Platform (GCP). It provides a quick overview of the Google Cloud Platform and a deeper dive of the data processing capabilities.


Candidates experienced with one or more of the following: A common query language such as SQL Extract, transform, load activities Data modeling Machine learning and/or statistics Programming in Python.

The course includes presentations, demonstrations, and hands-on labs.

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

  1. Introducing Google Cloud Platform
    • Google Platform Fundamentals Overview.
    • Google Cloud Platform Big Data Products.
  2. Compute and Storage Fundamentals
    • CPUs on demand (Compute Engine).
    • A global filesystem (Cloud Storage).
    • CloudShell.
    • Lab: Set up a Ingest-Transform-Publish data processing pipeline.
  3. Data Analytics on the Cloud
    • Stepping-stones to the cloud.
    • Cloud SQL: your SQL database on the cloud.
    • Lab: Importing data into CloudSQL and running queries.
    • Spark on Dataproc.
    • Lab: Machine Learning Recommendations with Spark on Dataproc.
  4. Scaling Data Analysis
    • Fast random access.
    • Datalab.
    • BigQuery.
    • Lab: Build machine learning dataset.
  5. Machine Learning
    • Machine Learning with TensorFlow.
    • Lab: Carry out ML with TensorFlow
    • Pre-built models for common needs.
    • Lab: Employ ML APIs.
  6. Data Processing Architectures
    • Message-oriented architectures with Pub/Sub.
    • Creating pipelines with Dataflow.
    • Reference architecture for real-time and batch data processing.
  7. Summary
    • Why GCP?
    • Where to go from here
    • Additional Resources
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Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne

Before enrolling in this course, participants should have roughly one year of experience with one or more of the following: A common query language such as SQL Extract, transform, load activities Data modeling Machine learning and/or statistics Programming in Python.

Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 1 dzień

The participants will obtain certificates signed by Google Cloud Platform.


Authorized Google Cloud Platform Trainer.

Pozostałe szkolenia Google Cloud | Fundamentals Courses

Szkolenia powiązane tematycznie


Analiza danych

Big Data


Formularz kontaktowy

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* pola oznaczone (*) są wymagane

Informacje o przetwarzaniu danych przez Compendium – Centrum Edukacyjne Spółka z o.o.


Najbliższe szkolenia Google Cloud

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Google Cloud