Szkolenia F5 Networks

Cel szkolenia szkolenie zdalne - dlearning

This 2 day course gives participants a functional understanding of how to deploy and operate NGINX App Protect WAF to protect their web applications from the most common web application vulnerabilities and Layer 7 denial of service attacks.

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

  1. An application-centered approach to security
  2. Overview of HTTP processing
  3. Exploiting web application vulnerabilities in a modern application
  4. Web application security concepts and terminology
  5. Deployment options and use cases for NGINX App Protect
  6. Default policy configuration and settings
  7. Security event logging
  8. Understanding policy elements 
  9. Tuning policies for specific needs
  10. Working with multiple policies
  11. Recommended practices for attack signatures and threat campaigns
  12. Defining Behavioral DoS protection
  13. Connecting DoS directives and nginx.conf
  14. Mitigating DoS
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Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne

Administering NGINX for Web Services is the foundation of your NGINX training and is a recommended prerequisite. The course assumes a basic understanding of networking, web servers, HTTP, proxying, and related concepts.

Hands on labs are performed in a Linux environment. You will need to be able to navigate the file system from the command line and edit configuration files using VI/VIM. Additional experience with Linux environments will be helpful.

Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 2 dni

The participants will obtain certificates signed by F5 Networks (course completion).


Certified F5 Networks Trainer

Pozostałe szkolenia F5 Networks | NGINX

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