Szkolenia Micro Focus

Cel szkolenia szkolenie zdalne - dlearning

kod: AM350-94 | wersja: 9.x

This five-day, instructor-led training is designed to provide the tailoring skills and knowledge needed to implement and administer Asset Manager, navigate Asset Manger’s core tables, and tailor and customize tables, screens, and pages for both the Web client and the Windows client. These skills assist administrators in their ability to implement an asset management solution in an enterprise-level business or large organization. The class consists of approximately 50% lecture and 50% hands-on lab exercises.

This course is designed for users who are proficient in Asset Manager.

Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Describe the Asset Manager user interface (UI)
  • Describe Application Designer
  • List the database components
  • Customize screens and pages
  • Create overflow tables
  • Manage your database
  • Use Application Designer to archive data
  • Describe actions
  • Create business home pages
  • Use wizards
  • Create workflows
  • Use workflows
  • Use Asset Manager tables in workflows
  • Configure workflows
  • Troubleshoot common workflow implementation problems

Audience/Job Roles

  • Customers – Administrators, developers, web developers, and managers who are managing the Asset Manager 9.x product
  • Channel Partners and C&I personnel – Consultants, system architects, integrators, and planners who help customers with Asset Manager 9.x implementations
  • Engineers – Personnel who provide pre-sales and post-sales support for Asset Manager 9.x

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

  1. Database Customizations
    • Describe the Asset Manager UI
    • Describe Application Designer
    • Describe the database components
    • Customize screens and pages
    • Create overflow tables
  2. Database Administration
    • Manage databases by:
      • Copying a database
      • Exporting/importing structure and data
      • Integrating a customization
    • Use Application Designer to archive data through:
      • Enabling archiving
      • Conducting primary archival operations
      • Processing data in an archive
  3. Actions and Business Home Pages
    • Describe actions:
      • Overview
      • Types of actions
    • Create business home pages:
      • Overview
      • Creating business home pages
  4. Wizards
    • Use wizards to guide users through complex or recurring tasks with the following functions:
      • Transition nodes to define the transition between two wizard pages
      • Wizard controls to capture data entered by users
      • The Finish node to gather data from pages and write to tables
      • Chaining wizards to chain a second wizard to begin at the end of the first wizard
  5. Workflows
    • Describe workflows in Asset Manager
    • Create workflows
    • Use tables in workflows
    • Configure workflows including:
      • General characteristics
      • Start activity
      • Activities
      • Workflow roles
      • Workflow alarms
    • Troubleshoot common workflow implementation problems including:
      • Logging information
      • Processing
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Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne
  • AM120 Asset Manager Essentials
  • AM330 Asset Manager Modules
Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 5 dni

The participants will obtain certificates signed by Micro Focus (course completion). 

This course prepares you also for such related Micro Focus certification exams: ATP: HPE Asset Manager 9.x Software Exam ID: HP0-M59 and ASE: Asset Manager 9 Implementation Exam ID: HP0-M96.


Authorized Micro Focus Trainer.

Pozostałe szkolenia Micro Focus | Asset Manager

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