Szkolenia Micro Focus

Cel szkolenia szkolenie zdalne - dlearning

kod: OMI120-106 | wersja: 10.x

Operations Manager i (OMi) is the core component of the Micro Focus Operations Bridge solution. This five-day, entry level, instructor-led training course offers technical personnel, who are new to Operations Bridge and Operations Manager i (OMi), the opportunity to develop hands-on experience in applying the fundamental principles, methodologies, and capabilities for managing events using OMi. This course includes hands-on labs that use version 10.62 of the OMi software.

Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Use OMi to effectively identify, prioritize, and resolve events
  • Create event dashboards to meet the information needs of specific users
  • Describe Configuration Item (CI) resolution and correlation
  • Identify the health of services and technology components based on Health Indicators (HIs) and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) presented in OMi
  • Create and use OMi performance dashboards
  • Create and use OMi tools
  • Create and tune Topology Based Event Correlation (TBEC) correlation rules
  • Create and tune Stream Based Event Correlation (SBEC) correlation rules
  • Create and tune Time Based Event Automation (TBEA) automation rules
  • Create and tune event suppression rules
  • Manage OMi user access and permissions
  • Create and tune OMi notifications
  • Configure integration between OMi and Operations Manager (OM)
  • Assign monitoring to CIs using Monitoring Automation (MA)

Audience/Job Roles

This course is intended for:

  • IT Tools engineers
  • Operations staff
  • Operations managers
  • Availability engineers
  • System administrators
  • Network administrators

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

  1. Course Overview
    • Course objectives
    • Class logistics
    • The lab environment
    • Additional course information
    • Course schedule
  2. OMi Overview
    • Use enterprise event management
    • Describe the purpose of an operations bridge
    • Identify how an operations bridge enables team members to collaborate effectively
    • List the components of Micro Focus Operations Bridge
    • Identify the primary features and capabilities of OMi
    • List the data collectors that provide data to OMi
  3. OMi Navigation
    • Identify OMi operator workflow
    • Access the OMi UI
    • Use the Event Browser
    • List the primary event attributes displayed in the Event Browser
    • Use event filters to locate events of interest
  4. Operator Workflow
    • Assess events
    • Select and analyze events using the General tab
    • Use Run Books
    • Remediate an event
    • Use event browser options
  5. Health Perspective
    • Define Health Perspective highlights and menus
    • Access HI and KPI details
    • View various reports in the Health Perspective
    • Find visible and hidden CIs
    • Use Health Top View options
  6. Indicator Overview
    • Use HIs, KPIs, and ETIs to:
      • Determine health
      • Identify indicator types and their relationships
      • Set the state of each type of indicator and propagated it
      • Present CI health using indicators
  7. Performance Dashboards
    • Access performance dashboards
    • Use display control features
    • Use multiple methods to select time ranges
    • Export performance dashboard data
    • Share a link to a dashboard with others
    • View real-time data
    • View event overlay data with performance data
    • Create a performance dashboard favorite
    • Use comparison dashboards to compare CIs
    • Create a dashboard
    • Add a parameter to a dashboard
    • Map dashboards to appropriate CI types
  8. OMi Tools
    • Access and use OMi tools
    • Create OMi tools
    • Define OMi tool authorization
  9. Operations Bridge Overview
    • Identify how IT organizations can transition from a cost function to a value creator
    • Describe the Operations Bridge approach to addressing the challenges
    • Use the applications that comprise the Operations Bridge solution
  10. Monitoring Dashboards
    • Identify typical use cases for OMi monitoring dashboards
    • Describe OOTB monitoring dashboards provided with OMi
    • Access monitoring dashboards in My Workspace
    • Create a new monitoring dashboard
    • Create a new My Workspace page containing a monitoring dashboard
  11. RTSM Overview
    • Identify the features of the Run-Time Service Model (RTSM)
    • Identify the role of the RTSM in an OMi implementation
    • Define CIs
    • Organize CIs and relationships in the class model
    • Navigate the RTSM administrative UI
    • Locate and analyze CIs and relationships in IT Universe Manager
  12. Models and Views
    • Identify the purpose of Modeling Studio
    • Define a model
    • Define a view
    • Create a view
    • Define a TQL query to create:
      • A Pattern-Based Model
      • A Perspective-Based View
      • A Pattern View
  13. Event Reception
    • Define CI resolution
    • Perform automatic node generation
    • Define ETI resolution
    • Create Indicator Mapping Rules
  14. OMi OM Integration
    • Identify OM features used by OMi
    • Establish trust between OMi and OM
    • Configure OMi to connect to HPOM
    • Define dynamic topology synchronization (TopoSync)
    • Configure dynamic TopoSync
    • Configure message forwarding from OM to OMi
  15. Event Reduction Tuning
    • Configure the Close Related Events feature of OMi
    • Use the Duplicate Event Suppression feature of OMi
    • Use the Event Suppression feature of OMi
    • Configure the Event Storm Suppression feature of OMi
  16. Topology-Based Event Correlation
    • Define Topology Based Event Correlation (TBEC)
    • Identify the TBEC operation
    • Use the Correlation Manager
    • Correlate rule creation
    • Automate cross-domain correlation
    • Relate events manually
  17. Stream-Based Event Correlation
    • Configure the Stream Based Event Correlation (SBEC) feature of OMi
  18. Event Automation
    • Configure the Time-Based Event Automation (TBEA) feature of OMi
    • Analyze OMi event forwarding capabilities
    • Define the Event Processing Interface (EPI) script capabilities
    • Identify custom actions
  19. User Management
    • Define OMi user management
    • Identify how permissions are defined within roles
    • Use roles and permissions and apply these to users and groups
    • Identify how roles are inherited by groups from parent groups
    • Create:
      • New roles
      • New groups
      • New users
      • Event assignment rules
  20. OMi Content Packs
    • Define packaged OMi functionality
    • Use the OMi content types
    • Analyze OOTB content
    • Work with the OMi Content Manager
    • Create a content pack
    • Export a content pack
  21. Monitoring Automation Overview
    • Describe the features and benefits of Monitoring Automation (MA)
    • Monitor policy templates, aspects, and management templates
    • Navigate MA administration pages
  22. Monitoring Automation Workflow
    • Assign MA management templates to CIs
    • Define custom parameter values for assignments
    • Create automatic assignment rules to assign and maintain monitoring
    • Verify monitoring assignments in MA
    • Access monitoring configuration reports in MA
  23. BVD Overview
    • Identify how a Business Value Dashboard (BVD) enables IT to demonstrate alignment with business objectives
    • List the types of data that can be presented in BVD
    • List the data sources that can provide data to BVD
    • Identify the methods available for capturing external data
    • Navigate the BVD user interface
    • Identify the high-level workflow for dashboard creation
    • Create a BVD Forwarding rule in OMi
    • Associate incoming data with BVD dashboard widgets
  24. OMi Administration
    • Use:
      • The Discovery OMi page
      • The Return on Investment (ROI) page
      • OMi self-monitoring features and dashboards to monitor the health of OMi
      • Identify downtime concepts and configuration
      • Identify OMi downtime behavior concepts and configuration
      • Set up OMi event notifications
      • Describe OMi license management
      • Identify infrastructure settings for OMi
      • Locate log file information needed to troubleshoot Omi
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Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne

To be successful in this course, you should have the following prerequisites or knowledge:

  • IT operations principles and practices
  • Systems and network administration
  • Industry-standard operating systems
  • Network, system, and application monitoring principles and practices
Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 5 dni

The participants will obtain certificates signed by Micro Focus (course completion). 

This course prepares you also for such related Micro Focus certification exam: Operations Manager Essentials v10.x.ASP exam.


Authorized Micro Focus Trainer.

Pozostałe szkolenia Micro Focus | Operations Manager

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