Szkolenia Micro Focus

Cel szkolenia szkolenie zdalne - dlearning

kod: OO220-2020.02 | wersja: 2020.x

This four-day course introduces students to the essential concepts and usage of the Operations Orchestration (OO) software along with some advanced features. OO is part of Micro Focus Cloud Automation solution.

Working with OO 10.x includes using OO Central, the OO runtime engine, to locate, run, monitor, and perform important administrative tasks and using OO Studio to author and deploy automated workflows. A flow is a set of actions linked by decision-making logic to automate tasks.

Other topics in the course include using the source control management (SCM) system, which is a useful tool for groups of flow authors to work collaboratively on projects. This course also covers creating operations and subflows using OO Studio. Furthermore, you learn about using XML processing and using JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). In addition, this course shows you how to configure emails for flows, use file system integration, and so on. Finally the importance of documenting your development is discussed.

The course consists of focused, task-oriented lectures, text, and a series of detailed hands-on labs to teach the course material to the student.

The hands-on labs for this course use version 10.70 of the OO software as well as version 10.80.


Audience/Job Roles

This course is intended for:

  • Workflow developers
  • System Administrators
  • Automation Operators
  • DevOps integrators
  • Other personnel responsible for the implementation of OO

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

  1. Course Overview of Operations Orchestration 10.x Flow Development
    • Introductions
    • Class schedule and class logistics
    • Related courses
    • Documentation
    • Lab environment details
  2. Introduction to Operations Orchestration
    • Describe OO and its key benefits
    • Explain the system and functional architecture of OO
    • Identify role-based privileges in OO
    • Discuss the key capabilities of OO
    • Describe collaborative development in OO
    • Define content packs, operations, and projects
    • Explain the improvements in OO 10.x
  3. Flow Authoring
    • Describe the OO Studio flow authoring environment
    • Explain the components of the OO Studio application
    • Explain a flow and describe the main components of a flow
    • Explain the differences between:
    • A flow and an operation in OO
    • An operation and a step in OO
    • Author a simple flow
    • Test the flow in the OO Studio Debugger
    • Modify a flow and test the modified flow
    • Explain the purpose of OO Studio Debugger
    • Explore the panes in the Debugger window
  4. Administration and Maintenance with OO Central
    • Explain the role of OO Central in deploying automated workflows
    • Describe the OO Central UI
    • Deploy projects and dependencies
    • Run flows, monitor progress, and evaluate results
    • Set flow permissions
    • View the dashboard and reports
    • Visualize a deployed workflow
    • Enable authentication and add local users
    • Set the security banner
  5. Inputs
    • Explain inputs and flow variables
    • Explain local and global variables
    • Define inputs in the Inspector window
    • Use input data flow options
    • Add, remove, replace, and disable inputs
    • Create and assign system properties to inputs
    • Use login credentials with a stored system account
    • Create and use a selection list as an input
    • Validate an input using a created system evaluator
    • Work with flow inputs
  6. Results and Filters
    • Explain how to use results to create flow variables that contain operation outputs
    • Use the Step Inspector window’s Results tab to add results to steps
    • Use the Filter Inspector window to filter a result so only the data required by the flow is assigned to a result flow variable
    • Use assignment actions to specify which action is taken for assigning the final result
  7. Operations, Responses, Transitions, and Subflows
    • Explain how operations and subflows are used as steps in a flow
    • Create new operations
    • Modify operation properties
    • Define responses and response rules
    • Explain transition properties
    • Use subflows in a parent flow
    • Explain best practices for working with subflows
    • Assign step results in a subflow to output fields for use in the parent flow
    • Work with the Properties editor of a subflow
  8. Looping and Iteration Operations
    • Explain how OO handles iterations and related tasks, such as list compilation
    • Perform looping, iteration, and related tasks for the content in the OO library
    • Author a flow that uses iteration and list compilation
    • Create a flow that uses the counter operation
  9. Parallel Processing
    • Explain the implementation of the following multi-processing methods in your flows:
    • Multi-instance step
    • Non-blocking step
    • Parallel-split step
    • Describe how to handle flow data in multi-processing operations
    • Create flows that use a multi-instance step
    • Create flows that use a parallel-split step
  10. Working with XML Processing
    • List and describe the operations and filters available in OO for working with XML
    • Explain how to use iterative operations to compile data extracted from XML documents
    • Build a flow that validates and parses an XML document
    • Use XML filters to extract data from an XML document
    • Build a flow that validates and parses XML data returned from a web service Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) inquiry
    • Use XSL Transform to represent XML as HTML
  11. Working with JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
    • Describe the concepts of JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
    • Work with JSON in OO
  12. Working with File Systems
    • Locate and use the file system (FS) content in the OO library
    • Differentiate between FS content of the cross-platform and Windows-only content
    • Write data to a file
    • Read and filter data
    • List the contents of a directory
  13. M Working with Remote Debugging
    • Explain the need for and benefits of remote debugging
    • Configure remote debugging:
    • Explain the prerequisites for remote debugging
    • Explain the remote debugging lifecycle
    • Explain the permissions for remote debugging
    • Add or edit OO Central server connections
    • Configure the proxy settings for debugging on a remote OO Central environment
    • Rerun a flow
  14. Working with Emails
    • Explain how to add email notifications to flows
    • Use content in the OO library to:
    • Get email messages
    • Send emails
    • Generate a run report URL to include in the email notifications
    • Use Microsoft Exchange email
    • Use the PowerShell operation to interoperate with third-party Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) providers
  15. Working with the PowerShell Wizard
    • Explain the benefits and requirements of the PowerShell wizard
    • Configure the PowerShell wizard and import flows
    • Verify and debug the generated flows
  16. Working with OO Shell
    • Explain the Operations Orchestration Shell (OOSH) utility
    • Run commands using the OOSH utility
    • Connect to an OO Central server using the OOSH utility
    • Display the flow information using the OOSH utility
    • Run a flow using the OOSH utility
  17. Working with Source Control Management (SCM)
    • Summarize the features of Source Control Management (SCM) in OO
    • Set up an SCM repository:
    • Create an SCM repository
    • Create a local project
    • Link OO Studio to the SCM repository
    • Check out a repository
    • Work with SCM:
    • Add a project in SCM
    • Commit changes to the SCM repository
    • Update a workspace from SCM
    • Lock and unlock OO content
    • Explain additional functions of SCM
  18. Micro Focus ITOM Marketplace
    • Access the Micro Focus ITOM Marketplace
    • Download the latest content packs
  19. Documentation
    • Describe the importance of documentation
    • Generate documentation Appendix: New Features in Operations Orchestration 10.80
    • Describe the new features in OO version 10.80
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Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne

To be successful in this course, you should have the following prerequisites or knowledge:

  • Networking terms and concepts
  • Web browsers and Telnet or SSH connection methods
  • Different operating system environments
Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 4 dni

The participants will obtain certificates signed by Micro Focus (course completion). 

This course prepares you also for such related Micro Focus certification exams: OO10.x ASE and OO220E - Operations Orchestration 10.x Flow Development 10.7 ASP.


Authorized Micro Focus Trainer.

Pozostałe szkolenia Micro Focus | Operations Orchestration

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