Szkolenia Micro Focus

Cel szkolenia szkolenie zdalne - dlearning

kod: RM200 | wersja: 12.x

This course provides the concepts and skills to create and manage RM documents, snapshots, baselines, collections, and categories.

Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Review recent enhancements to RM
  • Create Class, Relationship, and Traceability reports
  • Create Dashboards
  • Import content into documents and requirements
  • Create and manage snapshots, baselines, collections, and categories
  • Consider the application of workflows and understand how the work
  • Discuss the creation of administration of projects

Audience/Job Roles:

This course is designed for those who are already familiar with the basic requirements and reporting features of the Dimensions RM Browser interface and now wish to become power users with a full understanding of available options and advanced user features.  

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

  1. Course Overview
    • Identify the daily classroom schedule and methodology
    • Review the course objectives
  2. Getting Started
    • Review key terminology
    • Review RM Browser
    • Review Quick Search
    • Review running existing reports
  3. Creating Requirements
    • Create new requirements
    • Propose new requirements
    • Propose Requirement Changes
    • Work with Review and Acceptance
    • Use the Requirements Pedigree
  4. Reporting with Filters and Scripts
    • Create new reports
    • Edit existing reports
    • Delete reports
  5. Linking Requirements
    • Link a requirement to another requirement
    • Identify and resolve a suspect link
    • Review link history
    • Browse Links
    • Delete a link
    • Link Split View
  6. Introduction to Documents
    • Create documents
    • Populate documents
    • Edit documents
    • Publish documents
  7. All About Containers
    • Create/Delete/Rename Collections
    • Add/Remove requirements to/from Collections
    • Modify rules/properties
    • Create baselines
    • Compare containers
    • Create document snapshots
    • Compare snapshot to original document
  8. Categories
    • Create/Delete/Rename/Move categories
    • Add requirements to a category
    • Move collections of requirements to a category
  9. Project and User Settings
    • Use Project Settings, User Settings, Quick Search Settings, Report Settings
    • Change link display colors
    • Change display to split view
  10. Defining Workflows
    • Use the Workflow feature
    • Add States and Transitions
    • Apply Security
    • Define Attribute Type User
  11. Creating Projects
    • Use RM Manage
    • Create a blank project template
    • Create a new project using an existing template
  12. Course Summary
    • Review Course Objectives
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Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne

To be successful in this course, you should have experience performing requirements management operations and configure RM projects. 

The course that provides this foundational knowledge is:

  • RM 100 – Dimensions RM for Users
Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 2 dni

The participants will obtain certificates signed by Micro Focus (course completion).


Authorized Micro Focus Trainer.

Wszystkie szkolenia Micro Focus
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