Szkolenia Micro Focus

Cel szkolenia szkolenie zdalne - dlearning

kod: SMAX220-201905 | wersja: 2019.x

This course covers how a configuration and asset manager uses the Service Management Automation X (SMAX) agent interface to obtain and maintain current information about business services and devices used in tracking defects, change requests, and problems. SMAX is a new suite designed to simplify the way businesses manage their IT services and assets. It uses the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL)-compliant IT processes with embedded machine learning and contextual analytics.

You are a service asset and configuration manager who wants to describe the services and all its components, collect current information about a new Online Book Store business service to close defects, fulfill change requests, and solve problems as well as manage contracts with the vendors. This course helps you to create, handle, and track these individual assets that support your business services. You are new to SMAX.

This course is applicable for SMAX 2018.02, 2018.05, 2018.08, 2018.11, and 2019.02 versions. However, the hands-on lab exercises in this course use SMAX 2019.02. This bundle course involves the following ILT and Digital Learning (DL) courses:

  • SMAX220 – SMAX Technical Configuration for Configuration and Asset Managers
  • SMAX220SP – Service Management Automation X Configuration and Asset Managers (Digital Learning)

Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Describe the basic architecture of SMAX
  • Explain the SACM model hierarchy and relationship
  • Create a service definition
  • Create an actual service
  • Create a service component
  • Create a device (asset) record
  • Create a system element
  • View impact
  • Manage Stockroom and reserve an asset
  • Create an asset model and receive an asset
  • Manage software asset license
  • Create a subscription for an asset manually
  • Manage an existing vendor and add a brand
  • Add a maintenance contract
  • Create a report and manage the dashboard.

Audience/Job Roles

This course is intended for IT Asset managers and IT Configuration Managers and Designers

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

  1. Course Overview
    • Introduce the course overview, agenda, and logistics
    • List the available SMAX courses
    • Launch the Digital Learning course
    • Access the lab environment
  2. SACM Model Hierarchy and Relationships
    • Explain the SMAX architecture overview
    • Explore the SACM module
    • Access the service asset and configuration management module
    • Explain the SACM asset models
    • Explore SACM model hierarchy
    • Create a new service definition with relationship rules
    • Create an actual service and relate to relationship rules
    • Create a Service Component with relationship rules
    • Create a device with relationship rules
    • Explain about bottom-up and top-down analysis
    • Create a system element with relationship rules
    • Learn about the UCMDB mapping with the different entities in the model hierarchy
    • View the impact analysis
  3. Stock Management, Reservation, Software Asset, and Subscription
    • Access the Stock Management area
    • Create a new stockroom for the location
    • Receive an infrastructure & peripheral device into the stockroom
    • Reserve an asset manually in the stockroom
    • Create an Asset model and receive a device into the stockroom
    • Manage software asset license
    • Create a new license model and a license for windows software
    • Create a subscription for an asset
  4. Vendors and Contract
    • Access the Vendor management area
    • Explain about Vendors and Brands
    • Access the Contract Management area
    • Add a new maintenance contract
  5. Reports and Dashboard
    • Navigate the Reports User interface
    • Personalize the dashboard
    • Create a report and display it on a dashboard
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Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne

To be successful in this course, you should have the following prerequisites or knowledge:

  • Familiarity with different roles in an IT service management environment
  • Familiarity with different flavors of the user interfaces provided by SMAX
  • Familiarity with different versions of the SMAX available
Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 2 dni

The participants will obtain certificates signed by Micro Focus (course completion).


Authorized Micro Focus Trainer.

Pozostałe szkolenia Micro Focus | SMAX

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