Szkolenia Micro Focus

Cel szkolenia szkolenie zdalne - dlearning

kod: SS120-202105 | wersja: 2021.x

This course provides the technical knowledge and skills needed to manage and monitor an IT infrastructure with the help of the HP SiteScope product. Students gain practical experience using SiteScope to design and configure an extensive set of monitoring assets, proactive alerts, and reports. In addition, the course describes best practices and administrative techniques fundamental to the successful use of SiteScope. Participants become familiar with SiteScope deployment and implementation processes with an emphasis on advanced product administration and configuration skills. The topics included in the course are reinforced through intensive lab exercises and hands-on activities. The hands-on lab exercises use version 11.20 of SiteScope.

Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Perform a SiteScope installation
  • Design a scalable and easy-to-manage monitoring strategy
  • Design an efficient alerting mechanism
  • Efficiently configure individual monitoring entities
  • Implement a monitoring system leveraging best practices for grouping and alerting
  • Design enterprise-level reports
  • Apply best practices to SiteScope deployment and management
  • Demonstrate mastery of advanced techniques for monitor configuration, grouping, design, and report and alert generation
  • Use templates and repeatable patterns in the creation of groups, monitors, reports, and alerts
  • Demonstrate architectural knowledge of SiteScope

 Audience/Job Roles

This course is recommended for both new and experienced SiteScope users, system administrators, operations team members, and anyone responsible for the installation and maintenance of critical systems using SiteScope.

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

  1. Course Overview
    • Welcome and administrative tasks
    • Course introduction – agenda and storyline
    • Introducing the lab environment
  2. Introduction to SiteScope
    • Identify the concepts and purpose of SiteScope
    • Identify the key features of SiteScope
    • Explore the SiteScope architecture
    • Work with the SiteScope monitoring model
    • Identify SiteScope monitoring methods
    • Identify SiteScope integration
  3. Installing SiteScope
    • Identify key input requirements for installing SiteScope
    • Identify the supported platforms and target systems
    • Install an evaluation copy of SiteScope
    • Work with the SiteScope Configuration Tool
    • Describe the SiteScope licensing model
  4. Overview of the SiteScope GUI
    • Navigate through the SiteScope interface
    • Identify the various menus and tabs in the SiteScope interface
  5. Monitoring Basics
    • Identify the overall workflow in SiteScope including:
    • Creating a group
    • Adding a monitor
    • Configuring an alert and taking a corrective action
    • Viewing the Dashboard
    • Generating a report
  6. Planning and Designing a Monitoring Strategy
    • Identify the best practices in SiteScope monitoring methodology
    • Use a best practice-based approach for planning a SiteScope deployment and monitoring
    • Identify heartbeats and dependencies
    • Work with the top-level grouping model
    • Use a best practice-based approach for developing a grouping model
  7. Configuring Groups and Monitors
    • Create and configure groups
    • Identify the SiteScope monitors
    • Identify the search filter and tags
    • Work with monitors to:
    • Configure remote servers
    • Configure monitor settings
    • Configure thresholds
    • Use baselines
  8. Configuring Remote Servers
    • Define remote servers
    • Work with the remote servers user interface
    • Work with SiteScope UNIX adapters
    • Identify troubleshooting and limitations
    • Use Internet Protocol (IP) v6 support in Sitescope
  9. Configuring and Using Templates
    • Identify the role of templates
    • Create and modify user-defined templates
    • Deploy templates
    • Use the Publish Template Changes wizard
    • Identify the need for importing and exporting templates
    • Work with Solution templates
  10. Using Regular Expressions
    • Define regular expressions
    • Identify regular expressions and their syntax in SiteScope
    • Create basic regular expressions with the help of content matching
    • Use the regular expression tool to build expressions incrementally
    • Use regular expression substitution
    • Identify the considerations while using regular expressions
  11. Configuring Alerts
    • Define alerts
    • Use alert classes and associations
    • Create alerts
    • Use email alerts
    • Work with script alerts
    • Define trigger frequency of alerts
    • Identify the purpose of alert filters
    • Work with alert templates
  12. Using Reports
    • List the business purposes of different reports in an SiteScope deployment
    • Identify the different types of reports in SiteScope
    • Generate reports based on business requirements
  13. Working with the SiteScope Dashboard
    • Describe the Sitescope Dashboard
    • Define Dashboard filters
    • Customize the Dashboard
    • List data in the SiteScope Dashboard
    • Use the Global Search and Replace feature
    • Use Quick Search
  14. SiteScope Configuration Tools
    • Work with SiteScope tools
    • Work with diagnostic tools in SiteScope
    • Use the Link Check monitor
    • Use tools including:
      • WebSphere Configuration Helper tool
      • Log Grabber tool
      • Link Check tool
  15. SiteScope Monitor Types I
    • Identify monitor categories
    • Identify the functionality of key monitors within each category:
    • Generic monitors
    • Server monitors
    • Network monitors
    • Web transaction monitors
  16. SiteScope Monitor Types II
    • Identify and work with monitors and solution templates including:
    • Dynamic Disk Space monitor
    • VMware Datastore monitor
    • KVM Virtualization monitor
    • Generic Hypervisor monitor
    • Syslog monitor
    • Memcached Statistics monitor
    • HAProxy monitor
    • License Health monitor
    • Oracle Database Solution template
    • UNIX Resources monitor
    • WebSphere Application Server monitor
    • Work with Custom monitors
  17. SiteScope Integrations
    • Plan the integration strategy
    • Configure the following outbound integrations:
    • Business Service Management (BSM)
    • Operations Manager (OM)
    • Network Node Manager (NNMi)
    • Perform Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) integration
    • Integrate SiteScope for load testing
    • Perform Amazon CloudWatch integration
  18. Administration and Maintenance of SiteScope
    • Describe critical SiteScope directories and files
    • Back up SiteScope
    • Set SiteScope preferences
    • Work with the SiteScope API
  19. Performance Tuning
    • Identify the factors that affect the performance of the SiteScope server
    • Distinguish between connection and data collection mechanisms
    • Apply tuning techniques
      • Performing post-installation troubleshooting
  20. Running SiteScope Securely
    • Harden the SiteScope platform
    • Configuring SiteScope to use SSL
    • Working with SSH clients
  21. SiteScope Server Health and Statistics
    • Explore SiteScope health and health groups
    • Analyze SiteScope health monitor data
    • Work with the SiteScope health user interface
    • Use server statistics
    • Interpret SiteScope server load statistics
    • Use log files
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Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne

To be successful in this course, you should have the following prerequisites or knowledge:

  • Administrative and network experience
  • Enterprise applications, such as a database server
Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 5 dni

The participants will obtain certificates signed by Micro Focus (course completion). 


Authorized Micro Focus Trainer.

Pozostałe szkolenia Micro Focus | Operations Bridge

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