Szkolenia Micro Focus

Cel szkolenia szkolenie zdalne - dlearning

kod: CIT120-9 | wersja: 9.x

This three-day course provides students with the skills needed to effectively use and manage the HP Connect-It Software product. This administrator level course helps students understand and be able to use Connect-It as an integration tool to assist in sharing data between two or more systems. This course is 50 % lecture and 50 % hands-on.

Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Navigate Connect-It
  • Create Connect-It mappings
  • Add Connect-It scripts
  • Schedule Connect-It
  • Set reconciliation keys
  • Work with Connect-It associated files
  • Create Process Reports
  • Review Asset Manager and Service Manager Connector Configuration
  • Migrate Connect-It Scenarios from system to system

Audience/Job Roles

This course is designed for all users of Connect-It

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

  • Module 1: Connect-It Basics Introduction to Connect-It
    • Types of Connectors
    • Benefits of Connect-It
    • Concepts and Terminology
    • Executing a Scenario
  • Module 2: Logs and Scripts Basic Steps to Execute a Scenario
    • Connect-It Logs
    • Session Reports
    • Connect-It Functions
  • Module 3: Scenario Documentation and Associated Files
    • Scenario Documentation
    • Comparing Scenarios
    • Associated Files
  • Module 4: Multiple Connectors, Collections, and Reconciliation
    • Mapping Two Data Sources to One Target System
    • Mapping Collections
    • Using Reconciliation Keys
    • Reconciliation Keysets
  • Module 5: Schedulers and Reports
    • Connect-It Scheduler
    • Processing Report
    • Processing Wizard Report
    • Reconciliation Keysets
  • Module 6: Connectors, Advanced Configurations & Mappings
    • Discovery & Dependency Mapping Inventory
    • Asset Manager Connector
    • Command Line Connector
    • Service Manager Connector
Pobierz konspekt szkolenia w formacie PDF

Dodatkowe informacje

Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 3 dni

The participants will obtain certificates signed by Micro Focus (course completion).


Authorized Micro Focus Trainer

Wszystkie szkolenia Micro Focus
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