Szkolenia Micro Focus

Cel szkolenia szkolenie zdalne - dlearning

kod: DCA120-201911 | wersja: 2019.x

This three-day course is designed to provide an understanding of the fundamental concepts and usage of Data Center Automation product. You will learn about managing resources, resource groups, users, user groups and various aspects of patch and compliance management.

Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Explain DCA and its key benefits
  • Explain system and functional architecture of DCA
  • Explain the working of Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
  • Create and manage users and user groups
  • Manage resources
  • Create and manage resource groups
  • Manage vulnerability risks and patches using DCA
  • Manage compliance with DCA
  • Create and execute Custom Action in DCA
  • Troubleshoot DCA

Audience/Job Roles

This course is intended for:

  • Server Administrators
  • Compliance Manager
  • IT Security Operators
  • Technical Support Engineers
  • DCA Users

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

  • Module 1: Course Overview Identify the contents and objectives of the course
    • Define the class schedule and class logistics
    • Identify the related courses
    • Discuss the lab environment details
  • Module 2: Introduction to Data Center Automation
    • Define DCA
    • Describe the ITOM-CDF components
    • Describe the benefits of containerized deployment
    • Introduce the DCA Suite and containerized DCA (DCAX)
    • Describe DCA and its key benefits
    • Identify the use cases of DCA
    • Explain the system and functional architecture of DCA
    • Install and configure DCA – High Level Steps
  • Module 3: Working with RBAC Explain RBAC
    • Discuss OOTB roles and permission sets
    • Create Resource Groups
    • Create Roles
    • Modify Role Permissions
  • Module 4: Users and User Groups in DCA
    • Define users
    • Create and manage users
    • Define user groups
    • Create and manage user groups
    • Associate users with user groups
    • Define roles
    • Associate roles with user groups
  • Module 5: Working with Resources
    • Define resources
    • Explain how to import resources into DCA
    • Describe the agentless feature of DCA
    • Explore the Resources page in the DCA UI
    • Define credentials, policy subscriptions, jobs, and exceptions
  • Module 6: Working with Resource Groups
    • Define resource groups
    • Explore the Resource Groups page in the DCA UI
    • Discuss the actions performed on resource groups
    • Associate resources with resource groups
    • Associate policies with resource groups
    • Associate maintenance schedules with resource groups
  • Module 7: Vulnerability Patch Management
    • Explain risks in DCA
    • Describe the risk management in DCA
    • Explain approach to risk management
    • Define SLOs and Maintenance Windows
    • Describe scheduling based on SLOs and MWs
    • Explore the Risk Dashboard
  • Module 8: Compliance Management
    • Define compliance
    • Describe compliance management in DCA
    • Explain the compliance flow
    • Explore the DCA Compliance Dashboard
    • Differentiate between scanning and remediation
  • Module 9: Custom Actions in DCA
    • Define Custom Actions
    • Import the OO flow
    • Execute the Custom Action
  • Module 10: Troubleshooting
    • Troubleshoot DCA
  • Module 11: End-to-End Lab
    • Work with RBAC
    • Manage users and user groups
    • Work with resources
    • Work with resource groups
    • Execute custom actions
    • Manage vulnerability risks and patches
    • Manage compliance
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Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne

To be successful in this course, you should have the following prerequisites or knowledge:

  • Basic knowledge of Kubernetes
  • IT operations principles and practices
  • Operating system patching concepts
  • Different operating system environments
  • Web browsers and Telnet or SSH connection methods
  • Basic knowledge of risk vulnerability and compliance
  • Basic knowledge of Microsoft WSUS and RHSM
Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 3 dni

The participants will obtain certificates signed by Micro Focus (course completion).


Authorized Micro Focus Trainer

Wszystkie szkolenia Micro Focus
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