Szkolenia F5 Networks

Cel szkolenia

Gain a functional understanding of the F5 VELOS platform. Review F5OS platform layers, hardware components, and configuration of system controllers, chassis partitions, and BIG-IP tenants. Differentiate between VELOS and VIPRION in the areas of cabling, blades, chassis partitions, VLANs and LAGs, BIG-IP tenants, and vCMP guest configurations. Configure a VELOS chassis partition, create and modify a BIG-IP tenant, and create system controller and chassis partition backup configuration files. Activate a BIG-IP tenant and create traffic processing objects. Create a BIG-IP backup UCS file and restore it. Practice basic VELOS troubleshooting using basic VELOS system commands, QKviews, logging, and tcpdump output.



This course is intended for system and network administrators responsible for installation, setup, configuration, and administration of the F5 VELOS system.

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

  • Introducing VELOS
    • Major components
    • Other components
    • Partitions and tenants
    • VELOS software management domains
    • VELOS naming convention
    • Licensing
  • Comparing VELOS to VIPRION
    • How we got here
    • F5OS architecture
  • Setting Up VELOS System Controllers
    • System controllers
    • VELOS setup wizard
    • Chassis partitions
  • Setting Up VELOS Chassis Partitions
    • Port groups, VLANs, LAGs, and interfaces
    • Tenant image considerations
    • Creating a partner tenant for high availability (HA)
  • Managing Tenants
    • BIG-IP tenants
    • Running the Setup Utility
    • Traffic processing objects
    • Backup and restore
  • Configuring BIG-IP Tenant High Availability
    • High Availability (HA) overview
    • System settings on primary BIG-IP tenant
    • Partner BIG-IP tenant setup
  • Basic VELOS Troubleshooting
    • Troubleshooting tools and techniques
    • QKView introduction
    • VELOS event logging
    • Tcpdump output and filtering
    • VELOS system commands
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Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne

The following free Self-Directed Training (SDT) courses, although optional, are helpful for any student with limited BIG-IP administration and configuration experience:

General network technology knowledge and experience are recommended before attending any F5 Global Training Services instructor-led course, including OSI model encapsulation, routing and switching, Ethernet and ARP, TCP/IP concepts, IP addressing and subnetting, NAT and private IP addressing, NAT and private IP addressing, default gateway, network firewalls, and LAN vs. WAN.

Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 2 dni

The participants will obtain certificates signed by F5 Networks (course completion).


Certified F5 Networks Trainer

Pozostałe szkolenia F5 Networks | rSeries/VELOS/F5OS

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