Szkolenia Citrix

Cel szkolenia

kod: CTX-CWS-255 | wersja: 7.x

In this course you will learn how to create a new Citrix DaaS deployment and how to migrate to Citrix DaaS from an on-premises Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Site. Get hands-on as the course guides you through the architecture, communications, management, installation, and configuration of Citrix DaaS on Citrix Cloud and resource locations that the host apps and desktops for your users.

This course is a necessary step in enabling you with the right training and skills, to not only understand, manage, and deliver successfully, but also to make well-informed planning decisions along the way.

Product Versions Covered: Citrix DaaS, Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 2402 LTSR


Learning Objectives

  • Understand the differences between Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 2402 LTSR on-premises and the Citrix DaaS
  • Install, configure, and manage Citrix Cloud Connectors
  • Create Citrix DaaS workloads
  • Deliver app and desktop resources to users
  • Migrate existing on-premises Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 2402 LTSR infrastructure to Citrix Cloud


Target Audience

For administrators and engineers

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

  • Module 1: Introduction to Citrix DaaS
    • New Citrix Workspace Packaging
    • Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops - OnPremises Site
    • What is Citrix Cloud?
    • Why Citrix DaaS?
    • What is a Migration from Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops to Citrix DaaS?
    • Citrix Cloud Administration
  • Module 2: Citrix DaaS Architecture, Security, and Operations
    • Architecture and Deployment Options
    • Citrix DaaS Security
    • Citrix DaaS Operations
  • Module 3: Citrix Cloud Connectors
    • Cloud Connector Architecture
    • Cloud Connector Services and Communications Overview
    • Cloud Connector Operations in a Resource Location
    • Cloud Connector Resiliency
    • Installing, Updating, and Removing Cloud Connectors
    • Supported Domain Scenarios for Cloud Connectors
    • Securing Cloud Connector Communications
    • Local Host Cache (LHC)
    • Citrix Cloud Connector vs Delivery Controller Operations
  • Module 4: Citrix DaaS Resource Locations
    • Citrix DaaS Resource Locations
    • Citrix DaaS Hosting Connections
    • Zones
  • Module 5: Active Directory, Authentication, and Authorization
    • Active Directory Design Options
    • Desktops from Non-Domain Joined VDAs
    • Citrix Federated Authentication Service and Identity Provider Services
  • Module 6: Provisioning VDA Workloads and Delivering Resources
    • Master Images
    • Machine Creation Services (MCS) in Citrix DaaS
    • Citrix Provisioning in Citrix DaaS
    • Machine Catalogs
    • Delivery Groups
  • Module 7: Provide Access in Citrix Cloud
    • Selecting Between Citrix digital workspace experience and StoreFront
    • Citrix StoreFront and Citrix digital workspace experience Communications
    • Selecting Between Citrix Gateway Service and On-Premises Citrix Gateway
    • Access Layer Communications
    • User Authentication
  • Module 8: Citrix DaaS Administration
    • Citrix Cloud Manage and Monitor
    • Delegated Administration
    • Citrix DaaS Remote PowerShell Software Development Kit
    • Manage Multiple Resource Locations
  • Module 9: Public Cloud Considerations
    • General Public Cloud Considerations
    • Using Autoscale to Power Manage Machines in a Public Cloud
    • Microsoft Azure as a Citrix DaaS Resource Location
    • Amazon Web Services as a Citrix DaaS Resource Location
    • Google Cloud as a Citrix DaaS Resource Location
  • Module 10: Operations and Support in Citrix Cloud
    • Citrix Cloud Connector Support
    • Updating and Rolling Back Machine Catalogs
    • VDA Restore
    • Citrix Self-Help Strategy
    • Monitor Your Environment
  • Module 11: Migrating to Citrix DaaS from Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops
    • Citrix Cloud Migration Options and Considerations
    • Citrix Automated Configuration Tool
    • Citrix Image Portability Service
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Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne

Strong foundational knowledge of:

  • Windows Server and Desktop operating systems.
  • Active Directory, Policies, Profiles, Networking and Hypervisors.
Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 2 dni

The participants will obtain certificates signed by Citrix (course completion).


Certified Citrix Instructor

Pozostałe szkolenia Citrix | Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops

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