Dodatkowe informacje
Wymagania wstępne | All learners are required to have completed or have the equivalent knowledge corresponding to SOC-100 Security Operations Essentials. New to web application assessments? Set yourself up for success by participating in the OffSec Security Fundamentals course (includes SOC-100). Adopt basic cybersecurity-adjacent concepts, cultivate the mindset necessary for a successful cybersecurity career, and provide the prerequisites for OffSec’s advanced courses |
Poziom trudności | |
Czas trwania | 5 dni |
Certyfikat | The participants will obtain certificates signed by Compendium CE (course completion). The SOC-200 course and online lab prepares you for the OSDA OffSec Defense Analyst certification. Learn more about the OSDA exam Each participant in an authorized OffSec SOC-200 training held in Compendium CE will receive a free OSDA exam voucher. |
Prowadzący | Authorized OffSec Trainer |
Informacje dodatkowe | The course includes a license “Course and Certification Exam Bundle”. The bundle includes 90-day access to a single course, a single exam attempt, and a certification badge awarded upon passing your exam. |
W celu zaproponowania terminu dla tego szkolenia prosimy o kontakt z Działem Handlowym
Najbliższe szkolenia OffSec
2024-10-21 | 5 dni | Warszawa / Wirtualna sala
OffSec PEN-200 Penetration Testing with Kali Linux
szkolenie hybrydowe: HYBRID