Dostępne szkolenia SCRUMstudy | Agile
SCRUMstudy Agile Master Certified (SAMC) szkolenie SCRUMstudy
cena od: 3000 PLN
czas: 3 dni
poziom trudności: 3 z 6
kod: SC-SAMC
forma szkolenia: distance learning
Informacje o SCRUMstudy
SCRUMstudy is the global accreditation body for Scrum and Agile certifications. It has authored the SBOK™ Guide as a comprehensive guide to deliver successful projects using Scrum. SCRUMstudy works through its large global partner network of Authorized Training Providers (A.T.P.s) to deliver trainings and certifications. Important certifications provided by SCRUMstudy include Scrum Fundamentals Certified(SFC™), Scrum Developer Certifed (SDC™), Scrum Master Certified (SMC™), A SCRUMstudy Agile Master Certified (SAMC™), Scrum Product Owner Certified (SPOC™) and Expert Scrum Master Certified (ESMC™)
Najbliższe szkolenia SCRUMstudy
2024-09-18 | 2 dni | Kraków
Scrum Product Owner Certified (SPOC)