Szkolenia IBM

Cel szkolenia

kod: OP05GPL

This course describes how open standards are implemented in a z/OS system by z/OS UNIX. UNIX System Services are introduced, and the role of z/OS as a server in the open systems environment is discussed. This is an introductory level course. It provides an overview of z/OS UNIX System Services (usually abbreviated to z/OS UNIX) as seen by the user. Details of installation and implementation for system programmers are not covered in this course.

  • Discuss the role of z/OS in an open systems environment
  • Identify the basic terms used in z/OS UNIX
  • Define the components of z/OS UNIX
  • Explain major functions provided in z/OS UNIX
  • Discuss opportunities for applications in a z/OS UNIX environment
  • Identify z/OS base elements and optional features that make up z/OS UNIX
  • Use the two interactive interfaces available to access the services

This intermediate course is for all computer professionals who will use z/OS UNIX.

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

Day 1

  • Welcome and introduction
  • Unit 1. z/OS UNIX overview
  • Unit 2. Introduction to z/OS UNIX
  • Unit 3. Hierarchical file system
  • Exercises

Day 2

  • Unit 4. z/OS UNIX shell and utilities
  • Unit 5. z/OS UNIX shell commands
  • Unit 6. Working with the shell
  • Unit 7. Functions in z/OS UNIX
  • Exercises

Day 3

  • Unit 8. Working with the z/OS UNIX environment
  • Exercises
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Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne

You should have a basic knowledge of z/OS equivalent to the course An Introduction to the z/OS Environment (ES05G).

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Czas trwania 3 dni

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=================================== orygin -- training: Array ( [dlearning] => 1 [cel] =>

This course describes how open standards are implemented in a z/OS system by z/OS UNIX. UNIX System Services are introduced, and the role of z/OS as a server in the open systems environment is discussed. This is an introductory level course. It provides an overview of z/OS UNIX System Services (usually abbreviated to z/OS UNIX) as seen by the user. Details of installation and implementation for system programmers are not covered in this course.

  • Discuss the role of z/OS in an open systems environment
  • Identify the basic terms used in z/OS UNIX
  • Define the components of z/OS UNIX
  • Explain major functions provided in z/OS UNIX
  • Discuss opportunities for applications in a z/OS UNIX environment
  • Identify z/OS base elements and optional features that make up z/OS UNIX
  • Use the two interactive interfaces available to access the services

This intermediate course is for all computer professionals who will use z/OS UNIX.

[sid_crm] => bc28ba7c-8c04-eb11-a812-000d3a49e531 [kod_szkolenia] => OP05GPL [wersja_szkolenia] => [poziom_trud] => 3 [tid] => 1522 [temat] => Introducing z/OS UNIX System Services [konspekt] =>

Day 1

  • Welcome and introduction
  • Unit 1. z/OS UNIX overview
  • Unit 2. Introduction to z/OS UNIX
  • Unit 3. Hierarchical file system
  • Exercises

Day 2

  • Unit 4. z/OS UNIX shell and utilities
  • Unit 5. z/OS UNIX shell commands
  • Unit 6. Working with the shell
  • Unit 7. Functions in z/OS UNIX
  • Exercises

Day 3

  • Unit 8. Working with the z/OS UNIX environment
  • Exercises
[wymagania] =>

You should have a basic knowledge of z/OS equivalent to the course An Introduction to the z/OS Environment (ES05G).

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