Szkolenia IBM

Cel szkolenia

kod: ES54GPL

Do you need to know how to establish a practical performance management program for your z/OS system? This course is designed for new performance analysts to learn to work with the Workload Manager (WLM) in goal mode. Learn concepts of WLM and performance management in the z/OS system using the WLM.

Learn how to analyze Resource Monitoring Facility (RMF) reports and implement service definitions using the WLM Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF) application. The course uses z/OS hands-on lab exercises to reinforce the concepts and techniques discussed in lecture.

Hands-on labs

This course includes hands-on lab exercises. Each student team, working on their own z/OS system, will configure RMF, analyze RMF reports to find bottlenecks, and utilize the WLM dialogs to create goals and classification rules in a service definition that manages a supplied z/OS workload.

  • Describe a performance and tuning methodology
  • Develop a systematic z/OS performance and tuning plan
  • Describe the factors which could affect the performance of an z/OS system
  • Use the WLM ISPF application
  • Describe the components of a service definition
  • Define workloads and service levels and classification rules
  • State which z/OS commands affect WLM operation
  • Identify the major WLM services for z/OS, including enclaves and application environments, and how they are used by DB2, WebSphere, and CICS
  • Analyze CPU performance when running in a shared LPAR environment
  • Utilize and monitor zIIP and zAAP specialty engines
  • Measure and tune z/OS DASD, processor storage, and coupling facility configurations
  • Explain the functions and facilities of RMF and SMF
  • Analyze performance bottlenecks using RMF
  • Use Workload License Charges (WLC), defined capacity and soft capping to manage software costs
  • Describe advanced z/OS environments that utilize Intelligent Resource Director (IRD), HiperDispatch, z/OSMF Workload Management, and I/O Priority Manager
  • Use the z/OSMF Workload Management (WLM) task
    • Use Performance Monitoring with z/OSMF
    • Modify a WLM service definition to meet the requirements for monitoring a specific system workload
    • Create and customize Monitoring Desktops
    • Review any issues by using the Monitoring Desktops options displays
    • Assess the performance of the workloads running on the z/OS

This is an intermediate course for z/OS system programmers, z/OS performance analysts, and z/OS performance administrators new to performance management for their z/OS system.

Note: ES54 is intended for individuals new to WLM and the z/OS performance area

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

Day 1

  • Welcome
  • Unit 1 - Tuning methodology
  • Unit 2 - Using SMF and RMF to monitor performance
  • Lab 1 - Introduction to your system
  • Lab 2 - Using RMF Monitor I and Monitor II

Day 2

  • Unit 3 - Performance impacts when running in a shared LPAR environment
  • Unit 4 - Basic system workload management (part 1)
  • Lab 3 - Implementing a WLM environment on z/OS (part 1)

Day 3

  • Unit 4 - Basic system workload management (part 2)
  • Lab 3 - Implementing a WLM environment on z/OS (part 2)

Day 4

  • Unit 5 - WLM commands, internals, and service
  • Lab 4 - Using RMF Monitor III to solve performance problems

Day 5

  • Unit 6 - z/OS DASD performance topics
  • Unit 7 - Tuning processor storage
  • Unit 8 - Miscellaneous performance topics
  • Lab 5 - z/OSMF and performance management
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Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne

You should:

  • Understand basic MVS and z/OS operation, such as job flow through JES, job scheduling paging, swapping, dispatching controls, and I/O scheduling
  • Have a basic knowledge of the purpose of the Workload Manager's function in managing system workloads
  • Be familiar with using TSO and ISPF to manage data sets and run batch jobs
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Czas trwania 5 dni

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=================================== orygin -- training: Array ( [dlearning] => 1 [cel] =>

Do you need to know how to establish a practical performance management program for your z/OS system? This course is designed for new performance analysts to learn to work with the Workload Manager (WLM) in goal mode. Learn concepts of WLM and performance management in the z/OS system using the WLM.

Learn how to analyze Resource Monitoring Facility (RMF) reports and implement service definitions using the WLM Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF) application. The course uses z/OS hands-on lab exercises to reinforce the concepts and techniques discussed in lecture.

Hands-on labs

This course includes hands-on lab exercises. Each student team, working on their own z/OS system, will configure RMF, analyze RMF reports to find bottlenecks, and utilize the WLM dialogs to create goals and classification rules in a service definition that manages a supplied z/OS workload.

  • Describe a performance and tuning methodology
  • Develop a systematic z/OS performance and tuning plan
  • Describe the factors which could affect the performance of an z/OS system
  • Use the WLM ISPF application
  • Describe the components of a service definition
  • Define workloads and service levels and classification rules
  • State which z/OS commands affect WLM operation
  • Identify the major WLM services for z/OS, including enclaves and application environments, and how they are used by DB2, WebSphere, and CICS
  • Analyze CPU performance when running in a shared LPAR environment
  • Utilize and monitor zIIP and zAAP specialty engines
  • Measure and tune z/OS DASD, processor storage, and coupling facility configurations
  • Explain the functions and facilities of RMF and SMF
  • Analyze performance bottlenecks using RMF
  • Use Workload License Charges (WLC), defined capacity and soft capping to manage software costs
  • Describe advanced z/OS environments that utilize Intelligent Resource Director (IRD), HiperDispatch, z/OSMF Workload Management, and I/O Priority Manager
  • Use the z/OSMF Workload Management (WLM) task
    • Use Performance Monitoring with z/OSMF
    • Modify a WLM service definition to meet the requirements for monitoring a specific system workload
    • Create and customize Monitoring Desktops
    • Review any issues by using the Monitoring Desktops options displays
    • Assess the performance of the workloads running on the z/OS

This is an intermediate course for z/OS system programmers, z/OS performance analysts, and z/OS performance administrators new to performance management for their z/OS system.

Note: ES54 is intended for individuals new to WLM and the z/OS performance area

[sid_crm] => 5823ba7c-8c04-eb11-a812-000d3a49e531 [kod_szkolenia] => ES54GPL [wersja_szkolenia] => [poziom_trud] => 3 [tid] => 290 [temat] => Basic z/OS Tuning Using the Workload Manager [konspekt] =>

Day 1

  • Welcome
  • Unit 1 - Tuning methodology
  • Unit 2 - Using SMF and RMF to monitor performance
  • Lab 1 - Introduction to your system
  • Lab 2 - Using RMF Monitor I and Monitor II

Day 2

  • Unit 3 - Performance impacts when running in a shared LPAR environment
  • Unit 4 - Basic system workload management (part 1)
  • Lab 3 - Implementing a WLM environment on z/OS (part 1)

Day 3

  • Unit 4 - Basic system workload management (part 2)
  • Lab 3 - Implementing a WLM environment on z/OS (part 2)

Day 4

  • Unit 5 - WLM commands, internals, and service
  • Lab 4 - Using RMF Monitor III to solve performance problems

Day 5

  • Unit 6 - z/OS DASD performance topics
  • Unit 7 - Tuning processor storage
  • Unit 8 - Miscellaneous performance topics
  • Lab 5 - z/OSMF and performance management
[wymagania] =>

You should:

  • Understand basic MVS and z/OS operation, such as job flow through JES, job scheduling paging, swapping, dispatching controls, and I/O scheduling
  • Have a basic knowledge of the purpose of the Workload Manager's function in managing system workloads
  • Be familiar with using TSO and ISPF to manage data sets and run batch jobs
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