Szkolenia Micro Focus

Cel szkolenia szkolenie zdalne - dlearning

kod: SLK400-185 | wersja: 18.x

This course provides the foundational concepts and skills needed to use the Silk4Net plugin for Visual Studio to create automated tests using VB Script.

Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Introduction to Silk4NET
  • Understand Silk4NET Projects
  • Configure applications
  • Record a test
  • Perform object recognition
  • Perform verifications
  • Perform playback of tests and analyze the results
  • Understand the concepts of testing web applications on mobile browsers
  • Cover Cross-browser testing
  • Complete wrap-up exercises and final assessment

Audience/Job Roles

This course is designed for those who will be responsible for creating programmatically automated tests using Silk Test, utilizing VB.Net.

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

  1. Course Introduction
    • Identify the daily classroom schedule and methodology
    • Review the course objectives
  2. Introduction to Silk4NET
    • Understand Silk4NET is and where it fits in the testing lifecycle.
    • Know the benefits of using Silk4NET.
  3. Creating a Silk4NET project
    • Describe projects and understand why they are used.
    • Create new projects in Visual Studio
    • Add an empty test container
  4. Managing Application Configurations
    • Understand what the base state of an application is.
    • Understand what an application configuration is.
    • Add an application configuration to test your application with Silk4NET.
  5. Recording a test
    • Add a test to a project.
    • Record a test.
  6. Object recognition
    • Understand how Silk4NET recognizes the objects in your application.
    • Understand what dynamic object recognition is.
    • Understand what XPath is.
    • Understand what Locators and Object Maps and when to use them
    • Use the Locator Spy to add locators to test methods.
    • Identify objects in your application.
  7. Adding verification
    • Understand what a verification is.
    • Add a verification to your test.
  8. Play back tests and analyze results
    • Playback tests.
    • Edit replay options to fit your environment.
    • Understand TrueLog
    • View and understand test results.
  9. Testing Web applications on mobile browsers
    • Record a test for a Web application on a mobile browser.
    • Replay the same test on both a mobile browser and a desktop browser.
  10. Cross-browser testing
    • Understand what cross-browser testing is.
    • Change the browser that is used in your test.
    • Create a test that is run on multiple browsers.
  11. Wrap up exercises
    • Complete wrap up exercise – review practical course objectives
    • Complete wrap up quiz
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Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne

The following is recommended:

  • Be a test automation engineer or developer
  • Be familiar with the Windows environment
  • Familiar with basic concepts related to functional testing, regression testing, Web architecture
  • Have experience testing applications manually
  • Familiar with Visual Studio and VB.Net scripting language
  • This course assumes that you have a technical background and are familiar withdevelopment practices
Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 1 dzień

The participants will obtain certificates signed by Micro Focus (course completion).


Authorized Micro Focus Trainer.

Pozostałe szkolenia Micro Focus | Application Lifecycle Management

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