Szkolenia Micro Focus

Cel szkolenia szkolenie zdalne - dlearning

kod: SLK410-190 | wersja: 19.x

This course provides the foundational concepts and skills needed to use the Silk4Net plugin for Visual Studio to create automated tests using C#.

Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Introduction to Silk4NET
  • Understand Silk4NET Projects
  • Configure applications
  • Record a test
  • Perform object recognition
  • Perform verifications
  • Perform playback of tests and analyze the results
  • Understand the concepts of testing web applications on mobile browsers
  • Cover Cross-browser testing
  • Complete wrap-up exercises and final assessment

Audience/Job Roles

This course is designed for those who will be responsible for creating programmatically automated tests using Silk Test, utilizing C#.

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

  1. Course Introduction
    • Identify the daily classroom schedule and methodology
    • Review the course objectives
  2. Introduction to Silk4NET
    • Understand Silk4NET is and where it fits in the testing lifecycle.
    • Know the benefits of using Silk4NET.
  3. Creating a Silk4NET project
    • Describe projects and understand why they are used.
    • Create new projects in Visual Studio
    • Add an empty test container
  4. Managing Application Configurations
    • Understand what the base state of an application is.
    • Understand what an application configuration is.
    • Add an application configuration to test your application with Silk4NET.
  5. Recording a test
    • Add a test to a project.
    • Record a test.
  6. Object recognition
    • Understand how Silk4NET recognizes the objects in your application.
    • Understand what dynamic object recognition is.
    • Understand what XPath is.
    • Understand what Locators and Object Maps and when to use them
    • Use the Locator Spy to add locators to test methods.
    • Identify objects in your application.
  7. Adding verification
    • Understand what a verification is.
    • Add a verification to your test.
  8. Play back tests and analyze results
    • Playback tests.
    • Edit replay options to fit your environment.
    • Understand TrueLog
    • View and understand test results.
  9. Testing Web applications on mobile browsers
    • Record a test for a Web application on a mobile browser.
    • Replay the same test on both a mobile browser and a desktop browser.
  10. Cross-browser testing
    • Understand what cross-browser testing is.
    • Change the browser that is used in your test.
    • Create a test that is run on multiple browsers.
  11. Wrap up exercises
    • Complete wrap up exercise – review practical course objectives
    • Complete wrap up quiz
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Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne

The following is recommended:

  • Be a test automation engineer or developer
  • Be familiar with the Windows environment
  • Familiar with basic concepts related to functional testing, regression testing, Web architecture
  • Have experience testing applications manually
  • Familiar with Visual Studio and C# programming language
  • This course assumes that you have a technical background and are familiar with development practices
Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 1 dzień

The participants will obtain certificates signed by Micro Focus (course completion).


Authorized Micro Focus Trainer.

Pozostałe szkolenia Micro Focus | Application Lifecycle Management

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