Szkolenia IBM

Cel szkolenia szkolenie zdalne - dlearning

kod: QN101GPL | wersja: v9.x

This course is for new IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS (DOORS) users. It introduces basic DOORS concepts and functionality. It includes hands-on exercises that teach users to create, edit, manipulate, and analyze requirements data in DOORS.

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • Navigate within a DOORS database 
  • Create structured data in a DOORS formal module 
  • Modify existing data in a DOORS formal module 
  • Review existing data in a DOORS formal module 
  • Create relationships in a DOORS database 
  • Report on relationships in a DOORS database 

This is a basic course for IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS users. 

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

Unit 1 - Navigating a DOORS Database
Unit 2 - Viewing information
Unit 3 - Editing information
Unit 4 - Structure 
Unit 5 - Capturing additional information
Unit 6 - Working with Microsoft Word documents 
Unit 7 - Locating information
Unit 8 - Manipulating the display
Unit 9 - Creating traceability
Unit 10 - Traceability analysis  
Unit 11 - Object linking and embedding 
Unit 12 - Discussions  

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