Szkolenia IBM

Cel szkolenia szkolenie zdalne - dlearning

kod: ODC8050GPL | wersja: v6.x

Please note that as of version 6.0.6, the IBM Rational Team Concer (RTC) has been renamed to IBM Engineering Workflow Management (EWM)

The RTC Administration for Agile Project Managers course is designed to provide students with the knowledge to configure Rational Team Concert project areas so that the core IBM practices for agile development and change and release management can be effectively adopted by the project team. Topics include planning projects, teams, and iterations to support agile projects; release and iteration planning; managing work items; and customizing Rational Team Concert queries and reports to provide project status and measure progress.

Upon completion of the RTC Project Administration for Agile Project Managers course, students will be able to: 

  • Define how CLM is used
  • Understand project planning, with a focus on Agile methods
  • Configure a project timeline
  • Manage releases and iterations
  • Create and manage work items
  • Manage reports and dashboards

Project Managers

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

  • Introduction to CLM
    • Collaboration across the lifecycle
      • The Rational solution for CLM
      • CLM products, applications and capabilities
      • Lifecycle projects
      • Collaboration and work items
      • Project dashboards
      • Rich hovers and comments
    • Common planning
      • Real-time planning
      • Release and iteration planning
    • Lifecycle traceability
      • Traceability relationships
      • Linkages
      • Gaps and managing impact
    • Rational reporting
      • Flow of information
      • Report results
  • Understanding Project Areas
    • Process templates
      • Template overview
      • FPM template
      • Scrum template
    • Project area elements
      • Terminology
      • Project area architecture
      • Project area elements
      • Access control
      • Process control
      • Roles
      • Team areas
      • Work item categories
      • Timelines and iterations
    • Setting up a project area
      • Adding members
      • Managing a team area
      • Assigning a process role to team members
      • Sending invitations
      • Creating work item categories
  • Planning in Rational Team Concert
    • Planning overview
      • Two-level planning
      • Agile planning
    • Creating a project timeline
      • Defining project timelines and iterations
    • Release planning
      • Considerations
      • Initial planning
      • Planning best practices
      • Prioritizing requirements
      • Initial scheduling
      • Creating the initial backlog
    • Iteration planning
      • Iteration plans
      • Creating the spring backlog
      • Adding work items
      • Iteration planning
    • Working with plans
      • Creating work items in the plan
      • Managing plans
      • Configuring plan data
      • Plan editing
    • Managing work items
      • Work item types
      • Creating useful work items
      • Managing work items and plans
    • Reviewing progress
      • Monitoring progress
      • Schedule view
      • Taskboard view
      • Tracking time and resource allocation
      • Recent events
      • Burndown tracking
  • Managing Reports
    • Reports overview
      • Team reports
      • Reports in the web client
      • Reports in the team artifacts view
      • Viewing a report
      • Report resources
      • Creating reports
      • Formatting reports
      • Publishing and importing reports
      • Scrum report templates
      • Editing report parameters
    • Configuring Dashboards
      • Dashboard overview
      • Adding pages and widgets
      • Configuring widgets
      • Configuring dashboard templates
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Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne
  • Understand basic software development principles
  • Understand basic Agile project planning principles
Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 1 dzień

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