Szkolenia Micro Focus

Cel szkolenia szkolenie zdalne - dlearning

kod: HCMX120-202102 | wersja: 2020.x

This five-day, entry-level, instructor-led training course provides an overview of the functionality of Hybrid Cloud Management (HCM) Suite 2020.x. Additionally, it provides handson lab exercises exploring the fundamental principles, methodologies, and capabilities of HCM and its core components, including Operations Orchestration (OO), Universal Configuration Management Database (UCMDB), and Cloud Optimizer (CO).

This course is recommended for individuals who are responsible for several data center management and automation products, managing Lifecycle of the Cloud Deployments (Private and Public) resource management, service offerings, service design, and a customer portal to create a comprehensive service automation solution.

Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Explain the IT Operations Management (ITOM) Container Deployment Foundation (CDF)
  • Explain the Hybrid Cloud Management (HCM) suite
  • Explain the HCM architecture
  • Explain the importance of CSA software components within the Micro Focus HCM Suite
  • List the different roles in CSA
  • Describe all the different aspects of using the Management Console
  • Describe the ITOM Marketplace Portal
  • Summarize the different aspects of managing subscriptions
  • Write OO flows for CSA lifecycle actions
  • Explain the best practices for CSA Service Designs
  • Export and Import CSA Artifacts
  • Discuss the HCM content offerings
  • Describe the subscriber options workflow
  • Configure user operations on resource offerings and service components
  • Describe the CSA service lifecycle concept
  • Explain the Cloud Brokering service
  • Explain the Showback reports
  • Access Micro Focus Universal Configuration Management Database (UCMDB) from the CSA console
  • Use REST API for CSA

Audience/Job Roles

This course is intended for Solution Architects, System Administrators, Application Developers, Support Engineers, and other personnel responsible for the implementation of the HCM software

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

  • Module 1: Course Overview
    • Identify the contents and objectives of the course
    • Define the class schedule and class logistics
    • Identify the related courses
    • Discuss the lab environment details
  • Module 2: Introduction to CDF and HCM
    • Explain about ITOM Container Deployment Foundation (CDF)
    • Explain Hybrid Cloud Management
  • Module 3: HCM Architecture
    • Describe Micro Focus Container Deployment Foundation (CDF) based suites
    • Explain the HCM architecture
    • Identify the CSA elements and their interactions
  • Module 4: Key Concepts of HCM
    • Describe the Micro Focus IT Operations Management Suites
    • Explain the importance of Cloud Service components within the Micro Focus HCM Suite
    • Analyze the Cloud service terminology used during the training
  • Module 5: Interfaces and User Roles
    • List the different roles in HCM
    • Describe service lifecycles and resource providers
    • Execute a real, preconfigured scenario
  • Module 6: Management Console
    • Describe all the different aspects of using the Management Console
    • Explain organizations, providers, designs, offerings, and catalogs
  • Module 7: Using the Marketplace Portal
    • Describe the Marketplace Portal
    • Navigate and explore the Dashboard
  • Module 8: Managing Subscriptions
    • Summarize the different aspects of managing subscriptions
    • Modify, retire, and transfer subscriptions
    • Use the Operations area to manage subscriptions
  • Module 9: Authoring OO Flows
    • Write OO flows for Cloud Service lifecycle actions
    • Describe the role of input and output parameters
    • Leverage Cloud Service Integration content pack operations
    • Leverage Simplified Content Authoring
  • Module 10: Service Design Best Practices
    • Recognize the basic rules to use when developing new Cloud service content
    • Develop reusable components and reusable resource offerings
  • Module 11: Exporting and Importing Cloud service Artifacts
    • Export content from HCM
    • Archive the file structure
    • Import content into HCM
    • Analyze the best practices for using Import operations
  • Module 12: HCM Content Offerings
    • Use the ITOM Marketplace site and the CSA Content Store to install HCM content offerings
    • Explain the process to build a capsule
  • Module 13: Subscriber Options
    • Configure subscriber option sets, options, and option parameters in the service design
    • Bind option parameters to service component properties
    • View subscriber options outline
    • Configure static and dynamic list option properties
    • Prepare JS and JSP scripts for configuring dynamic lists
    • Describe semantic validation
    • Describe how to enable and disable option property validation
    • Configure option property validation
    • Describe the subscriber options workflow
  • Module 14: User Operations – Part 1
    • Configure user operations on resource offerings and servicecomponents
    • Describe how to source the user operation input parameters
  • Module 15: User Operations – Part 2
    • Explain how to persist user operations outputs
  • Module 16: Lifecycle Management
    • Describe the CSA service lifecycle concept
    • Configure lifecycle action input parameter mapping
    • Configure lifecycle action output parameter mapping
  • Module 17: Cloud Brokering
    • Explain the Cloud Brokering service
    • Configure the Cloud Brokering service for AWS
    • Create an offering for AWS
    • Publish the offering
  • Module 18: Showback Reports
    • Explain the Showback reports
    • Configure the Showback reports
    • Generate the reports
  • Module 19: HCM and Universal Configuration Management Database (UCMDB)
    • Explain Universal Configuration Management Database (UCMDB)
    • List the UCMDB components
    • Access UCMDB from the Cloud Service Management console
  • Module 20: API Services
    • Explain how to use Representational State Transfer (REST) Application Programming Interface (API) for CSA
    • Describe how to use REST API for Release Automation
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Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne

To be successful in this course, you should have the following prerequisites or knowledge:

  • Understand your organization’s cloud deployment requirements
  • Have knowledge about Kubernetes and containerization
  • Have knowledge about AWS, vCenters
  • Be familiar with OO220 – Operations Orchestration Flow Development
Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 5 dni

The participants will obtain certificates signed by Micro Focus (course completion).


Authorized Micro Focus Trainer

Pozostałe szkolenia Micro Focus | Hybrid Cloud Management

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