Szkolenia AWS

Cel szkolenia

The AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional (SAP-C02) exam is intended for individuals who perform a solutions architect role. The exam validates a candidate’s advanced technical skills and experience in designing optimized AWS solutions that are based on the AWS Well-Architected Framework.

The exam also validates a candidate’s ability to complete the following tasks within the scope of the AWS Well-Architected Framework:

  • Design for organizational complexity
  • Design for new solutions
  • Continuously improve existing solutions
  • Accelerate workload migration and modernization

AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional is intended for individuals with two or more years of hands-on experience designing and deploying cloud architecture on AWS. Before you take this exam, we recommend you have:

  • Familiarity with AWS CLI, AWS APIs, AWS CloudFormation templates, the AWS Billing Console, the AWS Management Console, a scripting language, and Windows and Linux environments
  • Ability to provide best practice guidance on the architectural design across multiple applications and projects of the enterprise as well as an ability to map business objectives to application/architecture requirements
  • Ability to evaluate cloud application requirements and make architectural recommendations for implementation, deployment, and provisioning applications on AWS
  • Ability to design a hybrid architecture using key AWS technologies (e.g., VPN, AWS Direct Connect) as well as a continuous integration and deployment process

The target candidate has 2 or more years of experience in using AWS services to design and implement cloud solutions. This candidate has the ability to evaluate cloud application requirements and make architectural recommendations for deployment of applications on AWS. The target candidate also can provide expert guidance about architectural design that extends across multiple applications and projects within a complex organization.


Domains & Competencies

Domain 1: Design Solutions for Organizational Complexity

Domain 2: Design for New Solutions

Domain 3: Continuous Improvement for Existing Solutions

Domain 4: Accelerate Workload Migration and Modernization

Detailed described domains, list of specific tools and technologies that might be covered on the exam, as well as lists of in-scope AWS services


Exam overview

Level: Professional

Length: 180 minutes to complete the exam

Cost: 300 USD

Visit Exam pricing for additional cost information.

Format: 75 questions, either multiple choice or multiple response

Delivery method: Pearson VUE testing center or online proctored exam.

Dodatkowe informacje

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Pozostałe szkolenia AWS | Exams

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Harmonogram szkoleń AWS