Szkolenia Infoblox

Cel szkolenia szkolenie zdalne - dlearning

The Infoblox NIOS DDI Operations + Administration course covers the general configuration, administration and use of the Infoblox NIOS Grid. Learn the fundamentals of the NIOS Grid and how to navigate the Grid Manager UI. Build a working knowledge of operator-level responsibilities in the NIOS Grid including the operation of DHCP services, DNS services and IPAM. Get hands-on experience with managing DHCP Objects and DNS Resource Records and using Extensible Attributes, Smart Folders, Global Search, DNS Views, and CSV Export functionality. Understand how DHCP Failover works. Build a working knowledge of administrator-level responsibilities in NIOS including managing NIOS Grid Members and understanding NTP Statistics. Learn the steps to complete the most executed DHCP, DNS, and IPAM configuration tasks in NIOS. Understand critical NIOS workflows including Approvals, CSV Import, and Remote Authentication.



NIOS DDI Operators and NIOS DDI Administrators. This course is for team members who will be conducting operator-level or/and administrator-level tasks in NIOS. It also provides the prerequisite learning to prepare team members intending to attend the NIOS DDI Expert (INE) course.

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

NIOS DDI Introduction Workshop (9201)

This workshop delves into the NIOS Grid fundamentals, covering its architecture, communication, and security. Lab exercises provide hands-on practice with the Grid Manager Interface, including service checks and dashboard configurations.

    • NIOS Grid Overview (1001)
    • Using the NIOS Grid Manager UI (1002)
    • Verifying services are running in NIOS (1500)
    • Verifying NTP configuration in NIOS Grid (1501)
    • Verifying NIOS Grid backup configuration (1502)
    • Locating NIOS disaster recovery candidate (1503)
    • Using NIOS Status Dashboard (1506)

NIOS DDI Grid Administrator Workshop (9231)

This workshop covers essential NIOS Grid functionalities including configuring settings, managing backups, interpreting NTP outputs, and scheduling tasks. Through hands-on exercises, you will learn to modify Grid settings, manage access and logs, streamline backups, and effectively use NTP services and support tools within the NIOS environment.

    • Configuring NIOS Grid Settings and Grid Redundancy (2001)
    • Managing NIOS Grid Members (2002)
    • Explaining NTP Statistics in NIOS (2003)
    • Configuring NIOS Scheduled Tasks (2007)
    • Changing NIOS Grid session timeout (2500)
    • Configuring NIOS GM login banner (2501)
    • Enabling remote console access (SSH) for all NIOS Grid members (2502)
    • Configuring syslog settings in NIOS (2503)
    • Configuring scheduled backups over SCP in NIOS (2504)
    • Adding external NTP servers in NIOS (2506)
    • Enabling NTP services on NIOS members (2507)
    • Generating support bundles in NIOS (2509)

NIOS DDI DHCP Administration Workshop (9234)

Learn to configure DHCP services in NIOS, including networks, filters, defining DHCP options, and DHCP failover.

    • Configuring NIOS DHCP Service and Properties (2004)
    • Configuring NIOS DHCPv4 Failover (2019)
    • Configuring NIOS DHCP Networks and Filters (2024)
    • Starting DHCPv4 service in NIOS (2510)
    • Configuring global DHCPv4 options in NIOS (2513)
    • Creating DHCPv4 networks in NIOS (2514)
    • Creating DHCPv4 failover associations in NIOS (2515)
    • Creating DHCPv4 failover networks in NIOS (2516)
    • Overriding inherited DHCP options in NIOS (2517)
    • Creating a DHCPv4 option in NIOS (2518)

NIOS DDI DHCP Operations Workshop (9202)

This workshop introduces DHCP services in NIOS, touching on properties, network objects, and lease management, alongside DHCP failover. Lab exercises offer hands on practice with DHCP object updates, range configurations, fixed addresses, and more.

    • NIOS DHCP Service Overview (1003)
    • Managing NIOS DHCP Objects (1004)
    • NIOS DHCP Failover Overview (1013)
    • Updating NIOS DHCP objects with Extensible Attributes (EA) (1508)
    • Creating DHCPv4 ranges in NIOS (1511)
    • Creating DHCPv4 fixed addresses in NIOS (1512)
    • Creating DHCPv4 reservations in NIOS (1513)
    • Creating DHCPv4 Failover ranges in NIOS (1514)

NIOS DDI DNS Service Administrator Workshop (9232)

Learn to create and manage variuos types of DNS zones in NIOS, including authoritative, delegated, and forward. Learn to configure DNS anycast for redundant DNS service. Learn to create and manage DNS views to separate DNS data by client sources.

    • Configuring NIOS DNS Services (2009)
    • Configuring NIOS DNS Anycast (2014)
    • Configuring NIOS DNS Views (2015)
    • Allowing and restricting DNS queries in NIOS (2519)
    • Creating DNS name server groups in NIOS (2520)
    • Configuring Named ACLs in NIOS (2521)
    • Configuring Grid DNS resolvers in NIOS (2531)
    • Configuring DNS recursion in NIOS (2532)
    • Configuring DNS Anycast in NIOS (2536)
    • Configuring DNS default forwarders in NIOS with fallback to root (2552)
    • Creating DNS views in NIOS (2553)

NIOS DDI DNS Zone Administrator Workshop (9233)

Learn to create and configure various types of DNS zones in NIOS, including authoritative, delegated, forward, and reverse-mapping.

    • Configuring NIOS DNS Zones (2023)
    • Creating authoritative primary zones in NIOS (2522)
    • Creating authoritative secondary zones in NIOS (2523)
    • Creating authoritative subzones in NIOS (2524)
    • Creating DNS delegated zones (delegations) in NIOS (2525)
    • Creating forward zones in NIOS (2526)
    • Creating IPv4 authoritative reverse-mapping zones in NIOS (2527)
    • Creating IPv6 authoritative reverse-mapping zones in NIOS (2528)

NIOS DDI DNS Operations Workshop (9203)

This workshop provides an introduction to NIOS DNS services, including navigating DNS menus, understanding properties inheritance, and configuring resource records. Lab exercises offer hands-on practice with updating DNS objects, managing hosts, handling records in subzones, and navigating multiple DNS views in NIOS.

    • NIOS DNS Service Overview (1006)
    • Managing NIOS DNS Resource Records (1007)
    • Using NIOS DNS Views (1009)
    • Updating NIOS DNS objects with Extensible Attributes (EA) (1509)
    • Creating a Host in NIOS (1520)
    • Creating a Host with Next Available IP in NIOS (1521)
    • Creating entries in a sub zone in NIOS (1522)
    • Deleting a DNS entry in NIOS (1523)
    • Restoring a DNS entry in NIOS (1524)
    • Managing resource records with DNS views in NIOS (1529)

NIOS DDI IPAM Administrator Workshop (9235)

Learn to create and manage extensible attributes (EA) in NIOS to organize IPAM information. Learn to use network discovery to locate more network information.

    • Configuring NIOS Extensible Attributes (EA) and Smart Folders (2005)
    • Configuring NIOS IPAM and Discovery (2010)
    • Using NIOS CSV Import (2011)
    • Creating extensible attributes (EA) in NIOS (2508)
    • Managing network containers in NIOS (2537)
    • Using IPAM Net Maps in NIOS (2538)
    • Discovering networks in NIOS (2539)

NIOS DDI IPAM Operations Workshop (9204)

This workshop highlights NIOS extensible attributes, introduces the NIOS IPAM system, and outlines data export methods. Labs offer hands-on practice with filtering data with EAs, using Smart Folders, and exporting data to CSV in NIOS.

    • Using NIOS Extensible Attributes and Smart Folders (1005)
    • Using NIOS IP Address Management (IPAM) and Global Search (1008)
    • Using NIOS CSV Export (1014)
    • Filtering and exporting data from NIOS (1504)
    • Creating NIOS Smart Folders (1505)
    • Using NIOS Global Smart Folders (1507)
    • Exporting object data from NIOS (1510)

NIOS DDI User Administration Workshop (9236)

Learn to configure NIOS account permissions, object permissions, and approval workflows. Learn to configure NIOS to allow user logins with remote authentications such as Active Directory (AD).

    • Configuring NIOS Administrator Accounts and Permissions (2006)
    • Configuring NIOS Approval Workflows (2008)
    • Configuring NIOS Remote Authentication (2018)
    • Applying global permissions in NIOS (2534)
    • Applying object permissions in NIOS (2535)
    • Configuring remote authentication in NIOS (2551)
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Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne

Attendees should have a fundamental understanding of networking. If you are new to networking, consider the DDI Associate course for an introduction to DDI and related networking topics.

Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 5 dni

The participants will obtain certificates signed by Infoblox (course completion).


Authorized Infoblox Instructor

Pozostałe szkolenia Infoblox | NIOS DDI

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