Szkolenia IBM

Cel szkolenia szkolenie zdalne - dlearning

kod: CL810GPL | wersja: v11.x

This course teaches database administrators how to plan, implement and manage Db2 11.1 databases using the High Availability Disaster Recovery HADR) feature. The lectures cover the processing performed for a Db2 Primary and Standby Db2 database. The Db2 database configuration options that define and control the HADR function are covered. The option to define and operate multiple HADR standby databases will be explained. The course also covers the special considerations for allowing read only access by applications to a HADR Standby database. Students will learn the Db2 commands like TAKEOVER, START HADR and STOP HADR that are used to control HADR primary and standby database activity. The monitoring for HADR status of the primary and standby databases using the db2pd commands will be presented. The course also presents usage of HADR with Db2 pureScale databases.

Please refer to course overview

• This course is intended for students that will manage Db2 11.1 databases using the High Availability Disaster Recovery feature. 

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

• Db2 HADR Concepts and implementation
• Db2 HADR Standby database management
• Db2 HADR for pureScale

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Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne
  • A working knowledge of Db2 11.1 database server management including backup and recovery operations, Db2 utility execution and database monitoring with db2pd commands.
  • Use basic Linux OS functions such as file management, file permissions, and text file editing.
  • These skills can be developed by taking:
    • CL207  Db2 11.1 Administration Workshop for Linux or
    • CL487 Db2 11.1 quickstart for experienced relational DBAs
Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 1 dzień

Pozostałe szkolenia IBM | DB2

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