Szkolenia Micro Focus

Cel szkolenia szkolenie zdalne - dlearning

kod: DCM200 | wersja: 14.x

To provide the knowledge and skills for lead developers to perform configuration and change management tasks.

Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Perform configuration management using streams
  • Perform parallel development using streams
  • Manage baselines
  • Describe the principles of change management
  • Perform task driven development
  • Create and manage requests
  • Compare streams and projects
  • Use Dimensions CM Pulse
  • Use DA deployment
  • Describe shelving and cherry pick merge
  • Describe Pulse Agile

Audience/Job Roles

This course is for lead developers using Dimensions CM for configuration and change management.

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

  1. Course Overview
    • Identify the daily classroom schedule and methodology
    • Review the course objectives
  2. Enhancements
    • Identify the enhancements for administrators in Dimensions CM 14.4
    • Identify the previous developer enhancements in Dimensions CM 14
    • Identify the enhancements for developers in Dimensions CM 14.4
  3. Advanced Version Management Operations
    • Relate an object to an object
    • Edit object attributes
    • Delegate an item revision
    • Action an object
    • View access permissions of an object
    • View item history and pedigree
    • Display the item annotation view
    • Update item revisions to a work area
  4. Performing Parallel Development using Streams
    • Describe parallel development using streams
    • Update your work area with a file from another stream
    • Auto-merge non-conflicting files
    • Deliver changes from the child stream to the parent stream
    • Merge item revisions resolving any conflicts
    • Describe different types of conflicts
    • Identify change conflicts.
    • Compare and merge files
    • Select appropriate conflict resolution
    • Perform a merge review by inspecting: history, pedigree & annotation views
    • Consider a Cherry Pick Merge scenario
  5. Managing Projects and Streams
    • Display and modify stream options
    • When to use streams and when to use projects
    • Locking strategies for conflict resolution
    • Create an empty stream
    • Create a stream based on a baseline/stream
    • Lock a stream
    • Investigate personal streams
    • Understand shelving
  6. Visualizing Changesets using Pulse
    • Understand and inspect changesets in a stream
    • Describe Pulse and understand it’s use
    • Login to Pulse and view changesets for an existing stream
    • Understand and utilize Pulse experts
    • Add an expert chain to call a Checkstyle and Summary experts
    • Perform a modification and delivery and review new changeset and expert execution
    • Use Desktop client to perform a peer review and approve a change
    • Complete optional homework: create a new Pulse configuration from scratch using the Checkstyle expert
  7. Dimensions CM Deployment
    • Describe Deployment in Dimensions CM
    • Describe what's DA deployment
    • Understand deployment concepts
    • Describe the Global stage lifecycle (GSL)
    • Understand promotion and deployment
    • Understand demotion and rollback
    • Configure an DA deployment area for an existing stream
    • Create a Baseline and Deploy it
    • Review the results in CM and DA
  8. Managing Baselines
    • Describe a baseline
    • Describe the different types of baseline
    • Create a tip baseline
    • Create a baseline scoped by design part
    • Compare baselines
  9. Creating and Managing Requests
    • Define change management
    • List the benefits of change management
    • Create, prime and draft requests
    • Relate requests
    • Add attachments
    • Action requests
    • Delegate requests
    • Create and use request filters
  10. Change Management
    • Describe how you use Dimensions CM in your environment for change management
    • Describe different request types and their use
    • View requests in your request inbox
    • Open a request
    • Define a default request for a stream
    • Deliver changes using a default request
    • Revise a new baseline using a request
    • Compare the revised baseline against the original baseline
    • Review changes using Pulse
  11. Pulse Agile
    • Define Pulse Agile
    • Understand agile planning concepts and entities
    • Describe Backlog view
    • Describe Iteration view
    • Describe Card wall view
    • Describe Request Interaction
    • View Pulse Agile demonstration
    • Complete optional exercise
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Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne

These self-paced online courses are recommended as pre-study:

  • DCM100 CM Essentials
Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 2 dni

The participants will obtain certificates signed by Micro Focus (course completion).


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Pozostałe szkolenia Micro Focus | Dimensions CM

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