Szkolenia Micro Focus

Cel szkolenia szkolenie zdalne - dlearning

kod: DCM300 | wersja: 14.x

This course provides the knowledge and skills needed to configure a process model in Dimensions CM and to administer a Dimensions CM installation.

Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Implement a Product
  • Configure Lifecycles
  • Configure Requests
  • Configure Items
  • Configure Request and Item Relationships
  • Configure Baselines
  • Configure Design Parts
  • Configure Users and Role Assignments
  • Configure Privileges
  • Configure Attributes
  • Enforce Change Management through Rules and Request Priming
  • Understand and use Pulse Agile
  • Configure a DA Deployment scenario

Audience/Job Roles

This course is for users who perform administration tasks in Dimensions CM.

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

  1. Course Overview
    • Identify the daily classroom schedule and methodology
    • Review the course objectives
  2. Enhancements
    • Identify the enhancements for administrators in Dimensions CM 14.4
    • Identify the previous developer enhancements in Dimensions CM 14
    • Identify the enhancements for developers in Dimensions CM 14.4
  3. Base Database Management
    • Describe the roles of the Database Administrator and Dimensions System Administrator
    • Create, list, and delete Dimensions CM base databases
    • Set the RDBMS password for a base database
    • List and describe the considerations for using Oracle and SQL Server databases with Dimensions CM
    • Describe the RDBMS terminology that is relevant for Dimensions CM
    • Describe backup and recovery considerations using PostgreSQL
  4. Implementing a Product
    • Explain the $GENERIC process model
    • Create products
    • Edit products
    • Run process model reports
    • Assign users to groups
    • Edit users
    • Describe types of role assignments
    • Assign roles to users or groups
  5. Privileges
    • Describe the purpose of privileges
    • Set privileges
  6. Attributes and Valid Sets
    • Describe the purpose of attributes
    • List and describe types of attributes
    • Create an attribute
    • Assign attributes to object types
    • Describe how to un-assign attributes
    • Describe the purpose of valid sets
    • Create valid sets
    • Assign valid sets to attributes
    • Exercise: Configure multi-field multi-valued attribute blocks – instructor demo only
    • Exercise: reduce number of attributes to be defined
    • Describe the purpose of attribute update rules
    • Create attribute update rules
  7. Using Request Templates
    • Describe the purpose of substitution variables
    • Export a request template
    • Add a request template
    • Edit a request template
    • Import a request template
    • Set request template defaults
  8. Enforcing Change Management
    • Describe the purpose of request priming
    • Create a request priming mapping
    • Create Change Management rules
    • Describe the purpose of Change Management Phases
    • List Change Management phases
    • View the Change Management phase usage diagram
    • Describe Pulse Agile features and terms
    • Pulse Agile Instructor Demo
  9. Data Formats and Upload Rules
    • Describe the purpose of data formats
    • Add data formats and MIME types
    • Assign item and request types to data formats
    • Describe the purpose of upload rules
    • Modify the upload rules
  10. Wrap up exercise: Test the HR Process Model
    • Perform a simple request driven stream development scenario which will include the fixing of process model issues to allow the scenario complete
    • Review the deployment
    • Resolve a priming issue
    • Perform an update of the request through Pulse Agile
    • Optional exercise: Review the completed work in Pulse
  11. Summary and review
    • Review topics completed and further “go to” information
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Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne

These self-paced online courses are recommended as pre-study:

  • 120 DCM Administrator Essentials
Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 3 dni

The participants will obtain certificates signed by Micro Focus (course completion).


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Pozostałe szkolenia Micro Focus | Dimensions CM

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