Szkolenia HPE

Cel szkolenia szkolenie zdalne - dlearning

kod: H45WDS | wersja: v12.1

Veeam® Backup & Replication™ v12.1: Architecture and Design teaches IT professionals how to effectively architect a Veeam solution by following the Veeam Architecture Methodology used by Veeam’s own solution architects. During the course, you explore the goals of requirement gathering and infrastructure assessment and use that information to design Veeam solutions within team exercises. In addition, you analyze considerations when turning logical designs into physical designs and describe the obligations to the implementation team that will implement that design. Other topics include security, governance, and validation impacts when architecting a Veeam solution and how to build these into the overall design.

The course is 50% lectures and 50% hands-on activities; you should expect to contribute to team exercises, present designs, and defend your decision making.


Course objectives   

After completing this course, you should be able to:

  • Design and architect a Veeam solution in a real-world environment
  • Describe best practices, review an existing infrastructure, and assess business/project requirements
  • Identify relevant infrastructure metrics and perform component (storage, CPU, memory) quantity sizing
  • Provide implementation and testing guidelines in line with designs
  • Innovatively address design challenges and pain points, matching appropriate Veeam Backup & Replication features with requirements



This course is ideal for senior engineers and architects responsible for creating architectures for Veeam environments

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

  • Review Architecture Principles
    • Explore what a successful architecture looks like
    • Review Veeam’s architecture methodology
    • Discovery
    • Analyze the existing environment
    • Uncover relevant infrastructure metrics
    • Uncover assumptions and risks
    • Identify complexity in the environment
  • Conceptual Design
    • Review scenario and data from the discovery phase
    • Identify logical groups of objects that will share resources based on requirements
    • Create a set of detailed tables of business and technical requirements, constraints, assumptions, and risks
    • Review infrastructure data with each product component in mind
    • Create high-level design and data flow
  • Logical Design
    • Match critical components and features of VBR with requirements
    • Create logical groupings
    • Determine location of components and relationship to logical grouping
    • Aggregate totals of component resources needed per logical grouping
    • Calculate component (storage, CPU, memory) quantity sizing
  • Physical Design
    • Convert the logical design into a physical design
    • Physical hardware sizing
    • Create a list of physical Veeam backup components
  • Implementation and Governance
    • Review physical design and implantation plan
    • Review Veeam deployment hardening
    • Describe the architect’s obligations to the implementation team
    • Provide guidance on implementation specifics that relate to the design
  • Validation and Iteration
    • Provide framework for how to test the design
    • Further develop the design according to a modification scenario
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Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne

Before attending this course, you should:

  • Ideally be VMCE-certified
  • Have commercial experience with Veeam
  • Possess a broad sphere of technical knowledge, such as servers, storage, networks, virtualization, and cloud environments
Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 3 dni

Completion of this course satisfies the prerequisite for taking the Veeam Certified Architect (VMCA) exam, the highest level of Veeam certification. VMCA certification proves knowledge of architecture and design concepts, highlighting the level of skill required to efficiently architect a Veeam solution in a range of real-world environments.


Authorized Veem Trainer.

Pozostałe szkolenia HPE | Veeam

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