Szkolenia Micro Focus

Cel szkolenia

kod: SBM200 | wersja: 11.x

This course provides the concepts and skills to design, develop, and deploy a process app, as well as to configure and manage its runtime environment.

Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Use a process app in SBM Work Center
  • Use SBM Composer to design and develop a process app
  • Configure data fields for a process app
  • Configure default forms and create custom forms
  • Deploy a process app to a run-time environment
  • Promote a process app with SBM Application Repository
  • Configure the runtime environment with SBM Application Administrator

Audience/Job Roles:

This course is intended for those who will design, build, deploy, modify, and maintain process apps, as well as manage the runtime environment.

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

  1. Course Overview
    • Identify the daily classroom schedule and methodology
    • Review the course objectives
  2. Process Apps and Process Design
    • Describe how SBM automates business processes
    • Identify how process app orchestrations differ from process app applications
    • List the steps and tools of the SBM process app development lifecycle
    • Describe the design elements of a process app
    • Identify the difference between process app templates and blueprints
    • Identify SBM online resources
  3. Using a Process App
    • Navigate the Work Center and User Workspace
    • Describe User Settings
    • Submit an item
    • Transition an item
    • Add links and attachments to items
    • View My Activity from the Work Center
    • Access built-in reports
  4. Exploring SBM Composer
    • Navigate the SBM Composer interface
    • Change Composer theme
    • Access Composer Help and documentation
    • Open a typical process app blueprint
    • Navigate the App Explorer
    • Open the application workflow editor
    • Open the report editor
  5. Creating a Process App
    • Represent a process with an application workflow
    • Define workflow terminology (state, transition, ownership, etc.)
    • Remove and delete a process app
    • Create an application
    • Create roles with privileges
    • Create an application workflow
    • Assign ownership
  6. Working with Fields
    • Add data fields to an application
    • Describe UI Help Text capability
    • Create a dependency between Selection Fields
    • Describe import/export capability for Selection Fields
    • Create an Auxiliary Table and Relational Fields
    • Create a listing report from SBM Composer
    • Create rules for Conditional Routing
  7. Using Forms
    • Add data fields to an application
    • Describe UI Help Text capability
    • Create a dependency between Selection Fields
    • Describe import/export capability for Selection Fields
    • Create an Auxiliary Table and Relational Fields
    • Create a listing report from SBM Composer
    • Create rules for Conditional Routing
  8. Deploying a Process App
    • Publish a process app
    • Deploy a process app
    • Assign user accounts to roles
    • Submit records into the auxiliary table
    • Submit an item into the deployed app as a user
  9. Using Application Repository
    • Describe the responsibilities of the IT Administrator
    • Describe the purpose of Environments
    • List the elements of Environments
    • Navigate the Application Repository interface
    • View published process apps
    • View the Default Environment
    • Deploy a process app to the Default Environment
    • View the Activities log
  10. Working with Multiple Environments
    • Describe the purpose of Promotion
    • List the steps in promoting a process app
    • Describe the purpose of Snapshots
    • List the settings in a Promotion Profile
  11. Using the Application Administrator
    • Navigate SBM Application Administrator
    • Identify the process app elements to configure
    • Describe the purpose of projects
    • Create a new project and associate an application workflow it
    • Create new User accounts
    • Associate a new User account to a role
    • Describe User levels (Occasional, Managed Admin, User)
    • Describe LDAP capabilities
    • Describe User Replacement
    • Describe delegation of primary items
  12. Working with Notifications
    • Describe the purpose of notifications
    • Define the elements of a notification
    • Define types of notifications
    • Create a notification
    • Subscribe users to notifications
    • Configure the Notification Server
    • Create Work Calendars
    • Describe Channels
    • Describe E-mail Templates
    • Describe Notification actions
    • Describe E-mail Responses
  13. Course Summary and Glossary
    • Review Course Objectives
    • Review Glossary terms
    • Identify Online Resources
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Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne

These self-paced online courses are recommended as pre-study:

  • 100 SBM Essentials
  • 120 SBM for Users
Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 3 dni

The participants will obtain certificates signed by Micro Focus (course completion).


Authorized Micro Focus Trainer.

Pozostałe szkolenia Micro Focus | Service and Portfolio Management

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