Szkolenia Micro Focus

Cel szkolenia

kod: SMAN300-94 | wersja: 9.x

Participants in this training learn the skills required to implement, use, and maintain the Smart Analytics module in Service Manager. This training is useful for persons responsible for supporting and configuring Smart Analytics.

Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Describe the components and benefits of Smart Analytics
  • Explain the benefits of Smart Analytics
  • Demonstrate Smart Ticket and Hot Topic Analytics
  • List the steps to install Smart Analytics
  • Conduct training and testing to fine-tune Smart Ticket
  • Conduct data cleansing and tuning, and add stop words and phrases
  • Export and import Smart Analytics intelligence

Audience/Job Roles

Administrators, Configurers

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

  1. What is Smart Analytics?
    • Describe the components of Smart Analytics
    • Explain the benefits of Smart Analytics
    • Demonstrate a Smart Ticket from different personas
    • Demonstrate Hot Topic Analytics
  2. Smart Analytics Installation, Integration, and Configuration
    • Describe Smart Analytics architecture at a high level
    • List the steps to install Smart Analytics
    • Integrate Smart Analytics with Service Manager 9.4x
    • Describe the configuration of Smart Ticket’s category and service fields
    • Describe the purpose of training and testing for Smart Tickets
    • Know when you need to train and test the Smart Ticket configuration
    • Describe Smart Analytics license requirements
  3. Tailoring Smart Analytics
    • Extend Hot Topic Analytics to another module
    • Add an advanced search filter to a new topic map
    • Conduct further configuration of Hot Topic Analytics
  4. Improving the Accuracy and Content of Smart Analytics
    • Recognize the functions of data cleansing, stop words, stop phrases, and tuning
    • Explain why tuning Smart Tickets improves the accuracy of autoclassification
    • Improve tuning results by adding specific interactions that serve to tailor IDOL tuning
    • Improve the data set used by IDOL through data cleansing
    • Add stop phrases to improve Hot Topic Analytics
    • Remove unwanted words from IDOL searching with stop words
    • Describe where to get further information for exporting and importing Intelligence
  5. Transferring Smart Analytics Intelligence between Systems
    • Describe the high level steps involved with transferring intelligence from a source server to a target server
    • Unload Service Manager intelligence data
    • Use the Smart Analytics Assistant to back up the index and category data
    • Load intelligence data into Service Manager
    • Restore intelligence data into Smart Analytics
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Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne

To be successful in this course, you should have the following prerequisites or knowledge.

  • Extensive knowledge of Service Manager
Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 1 dzień

The participants will obtain certificates signed by Micro Focus (course completion).


Authorized Micro Focus Trainer.

Pozostałe szkolenia Micro Focus | Service and Portfolio Management

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