Szkolenia Micro Focus

Cel szkolenia

kod: SM320-96 | wersja: 9.x

This five-day class is targeted at System Administrators who are responsible for the day-to-day management of the Service Manager application. The course focuses on the tasks required to deploy a new Service Manager system and the ongoing tasks required to keep the system running efficiently. The course is 50% lecture and 50% labs (hands-on labs and simulations). This course covers software version 9.5x and the labs use software version 9.52.

This course is designed for users who are experienced with Service Manager or have taken one of the level 100 courses (Technical Configuration or Foundations for Process Owners).

Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Plan for ALM implementation
  • Describe the Service Manager environment and architecture
  • Install the various components of Service Manager
  • Describe the various implementation options (such as default ports, load balancing, components)
  • Perform tasks and set-up activities that are generally performed prior to moving the system to Production
  • Perform ongoing monitoring, debugging, troubleshooting, and administrative tasks
  • Perform additional administrative tasks related to reporting, surveys, and customizing the Web client
  • Perform optional tasks, such as:
    • Configuring Smart Analytics
    • Performing a health check using the Service Manager Doctor utility
    • Managing your entity relationships, running data reference check reports, and generating entity relationship diagrams

Audience/Job Roles

System Administrators and other personnel responsible for the implementation of Service Manager

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

  1. Overview
    • Identify the contents and objectives of the course
    • Define the class schedule and class logistics
    • Identify the related courses
    • Discuss the lab environment details
  2. Introduction to Service Manager
    • Describe the Service Manager environment
    • Summarize how different components of Service Manager interact
    • Identify what you can do in Service Manager
  3. Installing Service Manager
    • Describe the Service Manager architecture
    • Locate the Service Manager configuration and log files
    • Install the Service Manager Server
    • Apply a server patch
    • Install the Windows client
    • Install the Web tier
    • Install and configure the online help
    • Install the Knowledge Management (KM) Search Engine
    • Configure the KM environment
    • Install the Mobile applications
    • Install the Service Request Catalog (SRC)
    • Install the Smart Analytics Engine
  4. System Language
    • List the data types of Service Manager
    • Name the major types of Service Manager variables
    • Identify the role of current file variables in Service Manager applications
    • Identify operators that perform selected system operations
    • Summarize the characteristics of functions
    • Summarize the characteristics of expressions
  5. Pre-Production Tasks
    • Set defaults in the System Information record
    • Create a failsafe operator record
    • Disable auto-complete
    • Back up the operators table
    • Load and unload files from the command line
    • Move and switch the sm.log file
    • Configure system parameters
    • Remove background processes
    • Manage agents in the startup record
    • Use the system status record
    • Create named users
    • Describe LDAP integration
    • Enable Mandanten file security
    • Create field help
    • Migrate MySM components
    • Set up calendar and holiday records
    • Manage tables
    • Fine tune keys and queries
    • Use the upload script utility
    • Clean up OOTB data
    • Reset the numbers record
    • Reset counters
    • Test system performance
    • Migrate changes from one system to another
    • Use ITOM Marketplace
  6. Ongoing Tasks
    • Monitor log files, for example sm.log and msglog
    • Debug JavaScript using Log4js
    • Manage the schedule file
    • Monitor background processor activity
    • Remove a user or process, schedule processes, or automatically restart terminated processes
    • Send messages to logged-in users
    • Check servlet utilization
    • Quiesce the system
    • Check and test backups
    • Check system locks
    • Debug a suspended/hung system
    • Check updates to Information Retrieval (IR) files
    • Configure the On Call schedule
    • Monitor email
    • Purge and archive data
    • Import and export data
    • Check RDBMS file size limit
    • Manage views and favorites
    • Check license usage
    • Check for news on the support website
    • Turn on development auditing and manage audit history
    • Create revisions
    • Manage Query By Example (QBE) lists
    • Monitor server performance statistics
    • Check memory usage
    • Validate time zone records
    • Manage the work schedule and holiday tables
    • Configure the SLA/SLO time zones
    • Renew production and non-production licenses
  7. Ongoing Tasks – Reporting, Surveys, and Web Client Configuration
    • Use Crystal Reports to create new reports and update existing reports
    • Schedule reports
    • Set report and dashboard permissions
    • Categorize reports
    • View report status
    • Configure general report settings
    • Enable the replicated reporting database
    • Enable query cache
    • Update Survey templates and schedule surveys
    • Customize the Web client interface:
      • Change menu icons (and their color)
      • Set the field colors in a list
  8. Optional Tasks
    • Describe how time periods and the calendar widget are used
    • List the various email solutions
    • Configure Smart Analytics
      • Configure Smart Analytics: train smart tickets, index Hot Topic Analytics
      • Extend Hot Topics Analytics to other modules
      • Add filters to the Hot Topic Analytics advanced filter
    • Describe the HTML editor and attachments whitelist
    • Enable copy/paste for modules other than KM
    • Use the SM Doctor tool
    • Use the Data Model utility
  9. Tips and Tricks
    • Find the login connection history
    • Find the Service Manager command-line history
    • Find where launch configurations are stored
    • Search and add command shortcuts
    • Examine useful Replication and Deployment (RAD) utilities and routines
Pobierz konspekt szkolenia w formacie PDF

Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne

To be successful in this course, you should have the following prerequisites or knowledge:

  • Have familiarity with Service Manager processes and workflows
  • Have familiarity with Service Manager configuration tools
Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 5 dni

The participants will obtain certificates signed by Micro Focus (course completion). 

This course prepares you also for such related Micro Focus certification exam: SM320 - Service Manager 9.5 ASE Exam.


Authorized Micro Focus Trainer.

Pozostałe szkolenia Micro Focus | Service and Portfolio Management

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