Szkolenia Component Soft

Cel szkolenia szkolenie zdalne - dlearning

kod: KBS-052

Cloud-native technologies are reshaping the way how IT Services are built and operated. Understanding the functionalities of the building blocks and the resulting cloud-native systems will allow you to make good decisions on your way of planning and building the next generation IT and telco systems.

This course will present the main features of Docker – the tool for building and running containers, Kubernetes – the platform for orchestrating containers, Helm – the package manager that allows us deploy applications in Kubernetes in a consistent way, and Istio – a Service Mesh solution for interconnecting distributed applications. It also contains an introduction to CI/CD pipelines in cloud-native systems.

This course doesn’t only deal with the basic concepts, features and building blocks of cloud-native systems but also prepares for the official Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate (KCNA) exams of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).

Structure: 75% lecture, 25% demonstration by the instructor

Target audience: Technical managers, project leaders as well as IT and telco professionals who want to familiarize themselves with cloud-native technologies.

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

  • Module 1: Cloud Native Architecture
    • Cloud Native Architecture Fundamentals
    • Autoscaling
    • Serverless
    • Community and Governance
    • Personas
    • Open Standards
  • Module 2: Cloud Native Application Delivery
    • Application Delivery Fundamentals
    • CI/CD
    • GitOps
  • Module 3: Cloud Native Observability
    • Telemetry & Observability
    • Monitoring & Prometheus
    • Data Visualization & Grafana
    • Cost Management
  • Module 4: Container Orchestration
    • Container Orchestration Fundamentals
    • Runtime
    • Security
    • Networking
    • Service Mesh
    • Storage
  • Module 5: Kubernetes Fundamentals
    • Kubernetes Architecture
    • Kubernetes API
    • Kubernetes Resources
    • Logging & Monitoring
    • Scheduling
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Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne

A general understanding of operating systems, virtualization and networking concepts.

Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 2 dni

The participants will obtain certificates signed by Component Soft (course completion).


Certified Component Soft Trainer. 

Pozostałe szkolenia Component Soft | Cloud-Native (Kubernetes)

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Component Soft