Szkolenia Cloudera

Cel szkolenia szkolenie zdalne - dlearning

Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) is a fully integrated edge to AI product set. Cloudera Manager is purposely built as the DevOps tooling for building and managing Cloudera Data Platform. This four-day hands-on course presents detailed explanation, comprehensive theory, key skills, and recommended practices for successful platform administration. Upon completion of this course a CDP Administrator will learn the full range of functionality and capability of Cloudera Manager in supporting Cloudera Data Platform.

This course provides an in-depth explanation and skills to become highly productive with Cloudera Manager and Cloudera Data Platform. Cloudera Manager is a full featured and mature DevOps tool. It is used to install, configure, operate, troubleshoot, report, and upgrade CDP. Many CDP Administrators only use a fraction of the capabilities built into Cloudera Manager. This course teaches the architecture, deployment, configuration, logging, reporting, REST API, and much more. The course provides references for architecture and recommended practices used by enterprises around the globe

What you'll learn

  • This course teaches installation, configuration, operation, management, incident resolution, and troubleshooting of Cloudera Manager.

What to expect

  • This course is an entry point for aspiring CDP Administrators and any CDP Administrators not well familiar with the full range of Cloudera Manager capabilities. Students must have a background in Linux and knowledge of SQL. Students must have access to the Internet to reach the classroom environments, which are located on Amazon Web Services.

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

  • Cloudera Manager Design
    • Roles of a CDP Administrator
    • Getting aboard the classroom environment
  • Cloudera Manager Architecture
    • Cloudera Manager server-agent architecture
    • CDP architecture
  • Deploying Cloudera Manager
    • Creating an air gap repository
    • Install Cloudera Manager
  • Configuring Auto-TLS
    • Basic TLS
    • Creating the jssecacerts file
    • Deploying CM as a Root CA
  • Configuring Kerberos
    • Basic Kerberos
    • Deploying Kerberos
  • Deploy CDP Services
    • Install Cloudera Manager Agents
    • Install CDP Runtime
  • Navigating within Cloudera Manager
    • Navigating Cloudera Manager
    • Search with Cloudera Manager
  • Operations with Cloudera Manager
    • Restarting Cloudera Manager
    • Understanding and restarting supervisord
    • Automating restarts of cluster services
  • Managing Services
    • Identifying and installing Parcels
    • Add and remove CDP services
  • Configuration Management
    • Configuration changes to properties
    • Configuring Role Groups
  • Incident Management
    • Configuring monitoring, alerting and notification
    • Rolling back changes
  • Logging
    • Managing Role logs
    • Managing log rotation
  • Problem Management
    • Role logs and diagnosis
    • Cloudera Blog, Community, and Support Bundling
    • Creating Support bundles
    • Limiting Support bundles
    • Redaction rules
  • Reporting
    • Create custom dashboards
    • Create custom reports
  • Performance Tuning
    • Cloudera Manager tuning properties
    • Tuning Cloudera Manager
  • Resource Management
    • Managing Roles and Templates
    • Adding Workers
    • Decommissioning and removing workers Upgrading Cloudera Manager
    • Backup Cloudera Manager and the scm database
    • Upgrading Cloudera Manager
  • Managing Clusters with the REST API
    • REST API documentation
    • REST API Swagger UI
    • REST API command line
    • REST API shell script
Pobierz konspekt szkolenia w formacie PDF

Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne

This course is an entry point for aspiring CDP Administrators and any CDP Administrators not well familiar with the full range of Cloudera Manager capabilities. Students must have a background in Linux and knowledge of SQL. Students must have access to the Internet to reach the classroom environments, which are located on Amazon Web Services.

Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 4 dni

The participants will obtain certificates signed by Cloudera (course completion).

Upon completion of the course, attendees are encouraged to continue their study and register for the Cloudera Certified Administrator (CCA) exam

Certification is a great differentiator. It helps establish you as a leader in the field, providing employers and customers with tangible evidence of your skills and expertise.


Certified Cloudera Instructor

Pozostałe szkolenia Cloudera | Cloudera Administrator

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