Szkolenia AWS

Cel szkolenia szkolenie zdalne - dlearning

kod: AWS-AJ

AWS Jam is an effective way for developers, architects, and DevOps engineers to learn by doing. For those new to AWS, or who haven’t used a specific AWS service before, challenges can be selected by difficulty level and clues are available to help navigate the challenges if needed. Authorized AWS Instructors act as facilitators and help connect the challenges to the course materials, but participants must solve the problems on their own.


AWS Jam is a scenario-based, team-centered event where participants gain practical experience with a wide range of AWS services. AWS Jam scenarios relate to use cases, domains, and services covered in the classroom training course. The event is gamified with teams competing against each other by scoring points for completing specific challenges. Challenges have varying degrees of difficulty and are therefore worth differing amounts of points. A live leaderboard provides updates on scores and progress throughout the event. Clues and guidance can be provided to help teams move through challenges, but cost points. To play, AWS provides participants and teams with access to pre-created infrastructure.


Course objectives

In this course, you will:

  • Play in gamified team Scenarios

    Your team will engage in gamified challenges across AWS use-cases and operational tasks with live scoring, in-scenario clues, scenario levels, and team collaboration to achieve the correct solution.


  • Learn and enhance your AWS skills

    Your team will learn best practices from AWS experts, gain real-life experience, and solve scenarios designed to teach them AWS skills through self-paced discovery, learning, and hands-on building.


  • Validate and track your progress

    Track your team’s AWS skills through real-time leaderboards and additional metrics such as time spent, hints needed, and an automated evaluation of the approach used in your solution, based on established best practices.



Intended audience

  • An AWS Jam can be tailored to suit different technical skill levels, from novice to seasoned professional.
  • The challenges have varying degrees of difficulty: easy, medium, and hard.
  • You can team up with colleagues from diverse roles, such as Developers, Architects, and Security Specialists, to find the most optimal solutions.
  • Your team will gain practical knowledge and skills that they can take back and implement into your organizations cloud initiatives. With real-world challenges, your team will be equipped to handle real-world scenarios.



  • Hands-on format, putting learners in the driver’s seat to make decisions and solve problems in an active AWS Cloud environment to amplify understanding
  • Challenges based on real-world scenarios so your team can build practical skills
  • Develop your team’s skillsets in the AWS Cloud to advance your cloud adoption journey
  • Facilitated by an expert AWS instructor who can answer questions and give real time feedback
  • Validate learning through reports on teams including benchmarks, completion times, and which challenges were the most difficult
  • Reinforce your team’s learning while it’s still fresh in your team’s heads –AWS Jam take place after the final day of an classroom training class

AWS Jam can be delivered as a separate 1 day course or as a bundle with 7 popular courses as the fourth additional day:

  • Architecting on AWS with AWS Jam
  • Advanced Architecting on AWS with AWS Jam
  • Developing on AWS with AWS Jam
  • Advanced Developing on AWS with AWS Jam
  • Cloud Operations on AWS with AWS Jam
  • Security Engineering on AWS with AWS Jam
  • DevOps Engineering on AWS with AWS Jam

Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne

We recommend that attendees of this course prior should participate in a course corresponding to the selected AWS Jam, i.e.

  • Architecting on AWS
  • Advanced Architecting on AWS
  • Developing on AWS
  • Advanced Developing on AWS
  • Cloud Operations on AWS
  • Security Engineering on AWS
  • DevOps Engineering on AWS

or have equivalent knowledge and skills.

Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 1 dzień

The participants will obtain certificates signed by AWS (course completion).


AWS Authorized Instructor (AAI)

Pozostałe szkolenia AWS | AWS Jam and AWS Jam Bundle

Formularz kontaktowy

Prosimy o wypełnienie poniższego formularza, jeśli chcą Państwo uzyskać więcej informacji o powyższym szkoleniu.

* pola oznaczone (*) są wymagane

Informacje o przetwarzaniu danych przez Compendium – Centrum Edukacyjne Spółka z o.o.


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