Szkolenia HPE

Cel szkolenia szkolenie zdalne - dlearning

kod: H0DS8S

This course is designed to teach the competences required of the modern IT specialist working at the senior professional, team leader, supervisor or management level in IT management and is also known as the IT specialist’s course. Candidates attending this course will prove that they have gained the competences required to provide leadership and take responsibility for team performance and development in dynamic environments.

After completion of the course, the participant will be able to:

  • Provide guidance and implementation for IT strategy as set by senior IT and business management
  • Select and manage staff, implement training programs, career plan development and job rotation programs
  • Select, evaluate and negotiate vendors using RFI, RFP and selection criteria
  • Provide guidance for developing, testing and implementing business applications
  • Manage and/or assist in IT project management
  • Design and implement service management processes for problem and change management
  • Understand the need for business continuity and design the business continuity plan
  • Review and implement information security practices and controls
  • Understand the need for business change, the role and activities of the business relationship manager
  • Initiate and assist in risk management practices
  • Understand and select new technologies such as Blockchain, big data and artificial intelligence
  • Select suitable technologies for information management
  • Measure and improve quality of IT service


Senior IT professionals, team leaders, supervisors and managers such as IT manager, enterprise architect, ICT consultant, ICT operations manager, project manager, systems analyst, systems architect, business analyst, ICT security manager, business information manager, ICT security specialist, service manager, digital media specialist, ICT trainer, quality assurance manager, account manager

This course is most suited for seasoned IT professionals who need to understand the requirements and core competences for managing IT in mission critical environments. It is best suited for participants who have between two and four years of actual working experience in IT, with knowledge of systems, network and/or applications, service desk operations and/or IT professionals working in the position of team leader/supervisor/ manager in any area of IT. This includes those individuals working in the field of sales and consultancy with solution providers

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

  • IT Strategy
    • The need for IT
    • Enterprise architecture
    • Service catalog
    • Service level management
    • Sustainable development
  • IT Organization
    • Personnel need
    • Roles and responsibilities
    • Sourcing
    • Selection process
    • Hiring
    • Managing staff
    • Career planning
    • Training/job rotation
    • Performance appraisal
    • Staff departures
  • Vendor Selection and Management
    • Vendor selection
    • RFI
    • RFP
    • Proposal evaluation
    • Vendor reference checks
    • Contract negotiation
    • Contract management
    • Vendor management
    • Recompete vendors
  • Project Management
    • Methodologies
    • Project organization
    • Starting up/initiating
    • Planning/initiating a project
    • Risk
    • Quality
    • Scope
    • Work/product breakdown structure
    • Scheduling
    • Cost
    • Communication
  • Application Management
    • Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
    • Software Quality Assurance (SQA)
    • Requirements
    • Development
    • Testing
    • Adoption (implementation)
    • Maintenance
  • Service Management
    • Problem management
    • Change management
  • Business Continuity Planning
    • Resources
    • Relocation of staff
    • Information requirement
    • Backup strategies
    • Site selection
    • Business continuity plan
    • Test and exercise
    • Test review, report and follow-up
    • Monitoring and review
  • Risk Management
    • Guidelines
    • Context establishment
    • Identification
    • Analysis
    • Evaluation
    • Treatment
    • Communication
    • Monitoring and control
  • Information Security Management
    • Standards
    • Confidentiality
    • Integrity
    • Availability
    • Controls types
    • Guideline for controls selection
    • Control categories
    • Information security awareness program
    • Security incident response
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Dodatkowe informacje

Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 3 dni

Candidates who successfully pass the exam will receive the official ‘Certified Information Technology Manager’ certificate. The certification is valid for three years after which the candidate needs to re-certify.


Authorized HPE Trainer.

Informacje dodatkowe
  • The CITM course material and exam are globally accredited by EXIN.
  • The exam is a 75-minute closed book exam with 50 multiple choice questions. The candidate requires a minimum of 33 correct answers to pass the exam.

Pozostałe szkolenia HPE | Data Center

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Informacje o przetwarzaniu danych przez Compendium – Centrum Edukacyjne Spółka z o.o.


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