Szkolenia The Linux Foundation

Cel szkolenia

kod: LFS241

Prometheus is a monitoring system and time series database that is especially well-suited for monitoring dynamic cloud environments. With a powerful data model and query language as well as integrated alerting and service discovery support, Prometheus allows you to gain better insight into your systems and services and define more precise and meaningful alerts.

This course leads new Prometheus users through many of its major features, best practices, and use cases. Course participants are expected to have basic experience with Linux/Unix system administration, as well as some development experience in Go and/or Python.


The course will cover the following aspects:

  • Prometheus architecture
  • Setting up and using Prometheus
  • Monitoring core system components and services
  • Basic and advanced querying
  • Creating dashboards
  • Instrumenting services and writing third-party integrations
  • Alerting
  • Using Prometheus with Kubernetes
  • Advanced operational aspects

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

  1. Course Introduction
  2. Introduction to Systems and Service Monitoring
  3. Introduction to Prometheus
  4. Installing and Setting Up Prometheus
  5. Basic Querying
  6. Dashboarding
  7. Monitoring Host Metrics
  8. Monitoring Container Metrics
  9. Instrumenting Code
  10. Building Exporters
  11. Advanced Querying
  12. Relabeling
  13. Service Discovery
  14. Blackbox Monitoring
  15. Pushing Data
  16. Alerting
  17. Making Prometheus Highly Available
  18. Recording Rules
  19. Scaling Prometheus Deployments
  20. Prometheus and Kubernetes
  21. Local Storage
  22. Remote Storage Integrations
  23. Transitioning From and Integrating with Other Monitoring Systems
  24. Monitoring and Debugging Prometheus
Pobierz konspekt szkolenia w formacie PDF

Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne

To get the most out of this course, you should have:

  • Basic experience with Linux/Unix system administration
  • Familiarity with common shell commands, such as ls, cd, curl, etc.
  • Some knowledge and/or development experience in Go and Python
  • Some experience working with Kubernetes
Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 3 dni

The participants will obtain certificates signed by The Linux Foundation.


Certified The Linux Foundation Trainer.

Informacje dodatkowe

20-25 hours of course material.

Hands-on Labs & Assignments.

Video Content

12 Months of Access to Online Course

Discussion Forums

Pozostałe szkolenia The Linux Foundation | E-learning

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Systemy operacyjne

Formularz kontaktowy

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The Linux Foundation