Szkolenia Microsoft

Cel szkolenia szkolenie zdalne - dlearning

This is a 4-day ILT course that is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills required to support and troubleshoot Windows 11 PCs and devices in an on-premises Windows Server Active Directory domain environment. These skills include understanding:

  • Important Windows 11 features
  • How these features are used in an Active Directory
  • How to troubleshoot these features

Audience profile:

The primary audience for this course is Desktop Support Technicians (DSTs). These technicians provide Tier 2 support to users with domain-joined computers running the Windows 11 OS, typically in medium to large enterprise organizations.


At Course Completion: 

  • Describe the processes involved in planning and using a troubleshooting methodology for Windows 11.
  • Troubleshoot startup issues and operating system services on a Windows 11 PC.
  • Perform system recovery.
  • Resolve issues related to hardware devices and device drivers.
  • Administer Windows 11 devices.
  • Troubleshoot issues related to network connectivity.
  • Configure Windows 11 devices by using Group Policy.
  • Configure and troubleshoot user settings.
  • Configure and troubleshoot resource access.
  • Implement remote connectivity.
  • Deploy and troubleshoot applications.
  • Maintain Windows 11 devices.

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

  • Module 1: Introducing Windows 11
    • Overview of Windows 11
    • New features in Windows 11
    • Highlight significant changes from Windows 10
    • Brief overview of UI changes
    • Includes overview of system architecture, including both Linux and Android subsystems
    • Troubleshooting installation and deployment
    • Overview of required hardware, identifying differences from Windows 10
    • Describe common reasons why devices cannot upgrade to Windows 11
    • Recommendations for typical troubleshooting procedures
    • Introduction to troubleshooting tools
    • Task Manager
    • Resource Monitor
    • Performance Monitor
    • Review of revised Settings app
    • Lab: Using Windows 11 troubleshooting tools
  • Module 2: Administering Windows 11 remotely
    • Overview of administration tools
    • Using Remote Desktop
    • Using Quick Assist
    • Using Windows Admin Center
    • Introduction to Windows PowerShell
    • Remoting with Windows PowerShell
    • Enabling PowerShell Remoting
    • Trusted hosts
    • Introduction to provisioning
    • Lab: Administering Windows 11 remotely
  • Module 3: Troubleshooting startup and performing system recovery
    • Overview of the Windows 11 Recovery Environment
    • Configuring the Registry
    • Troubleshooting startup settings
    • Recovering BitLocker-protected drives
    • Troubleshooting OS service Issues
    • Recovering a computer
    • Lab: Troubleshooting startup and performing system recovery
  • Module 4: Troubleshooting devices and device drivers
    • Overview of hardware troubleshooting
    • Group Policy settings than can control/inhibit hardware installation
    • Troubleshooting device driver failures
    • Lab: Troubleshooting devices and device drivers
  • Module 5: Configuring and troubleshooting network connectivity
    • Identifying incorrectly configured network and TCP/IP settings
    • Overview of IPv4 subnet addressing to help identify incorrectly configured devices
    • Determining Network Settings
    • Troubleshooting network connectivity
    • Troubleshooting name resolution
    • Overview of remote access
    • Troubleshooting issues with VPN connectivity
    • Lab: Configuring and troubleshooting network connectivity
  • Module 6: Troubleshooting Group Policy
    • Overview of Group Policy
    • Resolving client-configuration failures and GPO application issues
    • Lab: Troubleshooting Group Policy
  • Module 7: Configuring and Troubleshooting Security Settings
    • Secure Boot, Trusted Boot, Measured Boot
    • UEFI settings
    • TPM requirements
    • Implementing network security with Windows Defender Firewall and Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security
    • Implementing Credential Guard, Exploit Guard, and Application Guard
    • Configuring Windows Hello
    • Troubleshooting sign-in issues
    • Settings
  • Module 8: Configuring and Troubleshooting User State
    • Troubleshooting the application of user settings
    • Configuring and troubleshooting UE-V
    • Configuring and troubleshooting Folder Redirection
    • Lab: Configuring and Troubleshooting User State
  • Module 9: Configuring and Troubleshooting Resource Access
    • Troubleshooting file permissions issues
    • Troubleshooting issues with printers
    • Performing File Recovery in Windows 11
    • Lab: Configuring and Troubleshooting Resource Access
  • Module 10: Troubleshooting applications
    • Troubleshooting desktop apps
    • Managing Universal Windows apps
    • Overview of Application Control
    • Troubleshooting AppLocker Policy application
    • Troubleshooting application compatibility Issues
    • Configuring Kiosk mode
    • Lab: Troubleshooting applications
  • Module 11: Maintaining Windows 11
    • Monitoring and troubleshooting Computer Performance
    • Overview of Windows Update
    • Configuring Windows Update for Business
    • Troubleshooting Windows updates
    • Lab: Maintaining Windows 11
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Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne
  • Networking fundamentals, including Transmission Control Protocol /Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP), and Domain Name System (DNS).
  • Microsoft Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) principles.
  • Understanding of the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) components.
  • Windows Server fundamentals.
  • Microsoft Windows Client essentials; for example, experience with Windows 10 or 11 or knowledge from the M70697A: Implementing and Managing Windows 11 course.


Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 4 dni

Certificate of completing an authorized Microsoft training 


Microsoft Certified Trainer 

Pozostałe szkolenia Microsoft | Windows

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Systemy operacyjne


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Szkolenia stacjonarne w Compendium CE odbywają się najczęściej w naszych lokalizacjach w Krakowie i Warszawie, ale także w miejscu ustalonym przez klienta. Grupa uczestnicząca w szkoleniu spotyka się w danym miejscu o określonym czasie i wraz z trenerem aktywnie uczestniczy w laboratoriach.

Szkolenie dlearning

W szkoleniach Compendium Distance Learning możesz uczestniczyć z dowolnego miejsca na świecie. Kursanci, dzięki zaawansowanej technologii, którą dostarcza Compendium CE, stale widzą i słyszą trenera, mogą mu zadawać pytania poprzez chat i mikrofon, a także uczestniczą w ćwiczeniach i laboratoriach, które rozwiązują wraz z prowadzącym. Po więcej informacji zajrzyj na stronę


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Materiały elektroniczne

Materiały elektroniczne: są to materiały szkoleniowe w wersji elektronicznej, które w zależności od dostawcy udostępniane są za pomocą dedykowanych aplikacji: Skillpipe, eVantage itd. lub w postaci dokumentów PDF.

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Materiały ctab: cena zawiera tablet ctab oraz materiały szkoleniowe w formie elektronicznej bądź tradycyjne materiały szkoleniowe i materiały dodatkowe dostarczone w wersji elektronicznej w zależności od ustaleń z producentem (w postaci dokumentów PDF lub EPUB). Tak dostarczone materiały są przystosowane pod kątem wyświetlania ich na tablecie ctab. Po więcej informacji zajrzyj na stronę ctab.

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