Szkolenia The Linux Foundation

Cel szkolenia

kod: LFS263

Open source networking projects are transforming how service providers and enterprises develop, deploy, and scale their networks and next-generation services. The ONAP project orchestrates and manages network services based on Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and Software Defined Networking (SDN) to bring agility, higher customer satisfaction and lower costs.

This course aims to provide you the conceptual and hands-on skills around ONAP, focusing on:

  • The basics of Network Function Virtualization (NFV)
  • An introduction to The Linux Foundation ONAP project
  • Overview of the ONAP project’s architecture, subprojects and demos
  • Hands-on learning through four self-paced labs you can run on GCP

Is your organization embarking on an SDN/NFV transformation journey? Do you believe open source software will play a critical role in this journey? Are you unclear how to manage and orchestrate network services for your SDN/NFV use case? Do you want to gain a hands-on understanding of how ONAP works across the design, runtime and closed loop automation? If yes, this course is for you — in addition to the theoretical learning, the course includes lab exercises that you can run on the Google Cloud Platform for a deeper learning of each of ONAP’s functional areas.

This course is designed to provide a fundamental understanding and basic hands-on knowledge of the ONAP project and a guide for navigating, participating, and benefiting from the ONAP community. The course is also meant for vendors that wish to determine how to position or sell their products into the ONAP ecosystem.


Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

  1. Course Introduction
  2. NFV Basics and ONAP Introduction
  3. ONAP Scope and Key Concepts
  4. ONAP Architecture
  5. ONAP Subprojects
  6. ONAP Demos
  7. Lab Exercises
Pobierz konspekt szkolenia w formacie PDF

Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne

This course is for managers, technologists at Communications Service Providers (CSPs), technologists and business leaders at technology vendors who are interested in learning about ONAP.

To take this course, you should know the material in edX Introduction to Linux or equivalent

While you will be provided with all the necessary images as part of your enrollment, you will need your own Google Cloud Platform account to work on the labs.

Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 3 dni

The participants will obtain certificates signed by The Linux Foundation.


Certified The Linux Foundation Trainer.

Informacje dodatkowe

20 hours of self-course material.

Hands-on Labs & Assignments.

Video Content.

12 Months of Access to Online Course.

Discussion Forums.

Pozostałe szkolenia The Linux Foundation | E-learning

Szkolenia powiązane tematycznie

Sieci komputerowe

Open Source

Formularz kontaktowy

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Informacje o przetwarzaniu danych przez Compendium – Centrum Edukacyjne Spółka z o.o.



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The Linux Foundation