Szkolenia Microsoft

Cel szkolenia szkolenie zdalne - dlearning

This 4-day course delivers the complete site owner story from start to finish in an engaging and practical way to ensure you have the confidence to plan and create new sites or manage your existing sites in SharePoint Server Subscription Edition. Your goal is to learn how to make SharePoint Server SE relevant to your team by using a sites functionality to help you share information and collaborate with your colleagues. During the class, you will also learn best practices and ‘what not to do’ as you study and put theory into practice with hands on exercises in SharePoint Server SE.

Audience Profile

The intended audience for this course may vary between delegates that have had little to no exposure to SharePoint Server SE to users that have had some level of engagement with the product but are looking to broaden their skill set.

At Course Completion

  • Describe features of SharePoint Server SE
  • Create, and structure team sites, communication sites, hub sites and a home site
  • Create rich web pages for displaying interactive content
  • Organise content in lists and libraries utilising a wealth of features to compliment a wide-ranges of uses
  • Automate common business processes and customise digital forms
  • Manage a sites security ensuring your users have the right access to the right content
  • Leverage SharePoint Server SE’s powerful search capabilities to acquire content quickly
  • Set up policies, retention, records and more to manage content across multiple sites

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

  • An introduction to SharePoint
    • What is SharePoint?
    • Introducing SharePoint Server SE and SharePoint Online
    • What is the cloud and what is on-premises?
    • Ownership and access
    • Lab: Download content pack
  • Creating sites
    • Planning your sites
    • Central administration
    • Web addresses
    • Site collections
    • Create a new site and site templates
    • Team site navigation
    • The app bar
    • User interface: classic vs modern
    • Site contents: classic vs modern
    • Where does classic come from?
    • Create new subsites
    • Site templates
    • Apply a theme
    • Building your navigation
    • Hub sites
    • Home sites
    • Delete sites
    • Lab: Creating a new site
  • Creating and managing web pages
    • Introducing pages
    • The types of pages found in SharePoint
    • Modern SharePoint pages
    • Create news and site pages
    • Sections
    • Web parts
    • Save, publish, share, and delete pages
    • SharePoint spaces
    • Communication sites
    • Classic SharePoint pages
    • How to use classic team site pages
    • Review features of classic publishing sites
    • Lab: Designing web pages
  • Installing, Upgrading, and Migrating to Windows 7
    • An introduction to apps
    • Marketplace apps
    • Adding apps to a site
    • Create and manage columns
    • Public and personal views
    • Managing app settings
    • Content approval
    • Major and minor versioning
    • Document sets
    • Working with files in a library
    • Create, upload, and edit files
    • Co-authoring
    • Check in – out
    • Edit and view file properties
    • Edit in grid view
    • File commands
    • Cope link and share
    • Folders
    • The recycle bin
    • Alerts and rules
    • OneDrive sync
    • Working with classic lists
    • Lab: Designing lists and libraries
  • Building processes with workflows and forms
    • What are business processes?
    • Design and test an out of the box workflow
    • Built in workflows
    • Third party solutions
    • Creating and configuring custom workflows
    • Configuring workflow settings
    • Starting a workflow
    • Workflow scenarios
    • Customising list forms
    • Edit columns
    • Edit using JSON
    • An introduction to Power Automate
    • An introduction to Power Apps
    • Lab: Building processes with workflow
  • Customising security
    • Managing access to SharePoint
    • Setup access requests
    • Manage sharing rights
    • Share a site
    • Share a file or folder
    • Remove a user
    • Customising SharePoint security
    • Create permission levels and groups
    • Security inheritance
    • Security best practices
    • Lab: Customising security
  • Working in Search
    • An introduction to SharePoint search
    • Search in folders, libraries, lists and sites
    • Search results
    • Search tips
    • Promoting results
    • Lab: Working with search
  • Enterprise Content Management
    • Managed metadata service
    • An introduction to content types
    • Create and manage content types
    • Deploy content types
    • Using content types in apps
    • The content type hub
    • Information management policies
    • The records center
    • In-place records management
    • The content organizer
    • Durable links
    • Lab: Enterprise content management
Pobierz konspekt szkolenia w formacie PDF

Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne
  • Proficient in navigating web sites
  • Familiar with navigating Windows operating systems and using file explorer
Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 4 dni

Certificate of completing an authorized Microsoft training 

Informacje dodatkowe

Microsoft Certified Trainer 

Pozostałe szkolenia Microsoft | Windows Server Technologies

Szkolenia powiązane tematycznie

Systemy operacyjne

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    dostępne terminy szkolenia
    cena od: 4890 PLN
    czas: 4 dni
    poziom trudności: 4 z 6
    kod: H41HNS
    wersja: v12.1
    forma szkolenia: distance learning
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    2024-12-09 | Warszawa / Wirtualna sala HYBRID: szkolenie dostępne w wersji stacjonarnej we wskazanej lokalizacji lub w trybie zdalnym, w zależności od preferencji uczestnika MTG: możliwy termin gwarantowany zarezerwuj
    2025-02-03 | Warszawa / Wirtualna sala HYBRID: szkolenie dostępne w wersji stacjonarnej we wskazanej lokalizacji lub w trybie zdalnym, w zależności od preferencji uczestnika zarezerwuj


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