Szkolenia Microsoft

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This SharePoint 2019 End User class is for end users and site owners/managers new to working in a SharePoint 2019 environment. The course teaches SharePoint basics such as working with lists and libraries, basic page customization, working with forms and managing site permissions and users.


At Course Completion:

  • Learn to navigate a SharePoint 2019 Team Site.
  • Learn to create SharePoint lists.
  • Learn to customize SharePoint lists.
  • Learn to create SharePoint libraries.
  • Learn to manage library document versions.
  • Learn to create SharePoint list and library views.
  • Learn to create sub sites using various SharePoint templates.
  • Learn to create and edit Web page content.
  • Learn to create InfoPath Forms and Form libraries.
  • Learn to create Site columns and content types.
  • Learn to integrate Office applications with SharePoint 2019.
  • Learn to manage basic permissions of SharePoint 2019 resources..


Audience profile:

This course is intended for students who want to learn SharePoint.

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

  • Module 1: SharePoint 2019 Introduction
    • SharePoint Versions
    • Team Site Layout and Navigation
    • Layout
    • Navigation
    • Lab: Exercise: Team Site Navigation
  • Module 2: SharePoint List Basics
    • Creating Apps Using List Templates
    • Creating Lists
    • Creating Lists Using List Templates
    • List Columns
    • Creating List Columns
    • Column Validation
    • Validating a List Column
    • Lab: Exercises
  • Module 3: Library Basics
    • Library Templates
    • Creating Libraries
    • Creating a Document Library and Adding Columns
    • Creating an Asset Library
    • Managing Documents and Versioning
    • Checking Out Documents
    • Deleting and Restoring Documents
    • Versioning
    • Lab: Exercises
  • Module 4: Working with Lists and Library Views
    • Default Views
    • Explore Default Views
    • Custom Views
    • How to Create a Custom View
    • Lab: Exercises
  • Module 5: Working with Sites
    • Site Templates
    • Creating Sites
    • Creating a Team Site
    • Site Navigation
    • Managing Site Navigation
    • Lab: Exercises
  • Module 6: Page Content
    • Wiki Library Pages
    • Editing the Team Site Home Page
    • Web Part Pages
    • Creating a Web Part Page
    • Working with Web Parts
    • Adding Web Parts to Pages
    • Lab: Exercises
  • Module 7: Forms Library
    • Creating a Forms Library
    • Creating InfoPath Forms
    • Create a Form with Microsoft InfoPath Designer
    • Publishing InfoPath Forms to SharePoint
    • Publish Custom InfoPath Form
    • Lab: Exercise: Creating and Publishing InfoPath Forms
  • Module 8: Site Columns and Content Types
    • Site Column Gallery
    • Explore the Site Column Gallery
    • Creating Site Columns
    • Create a Custom Site Column
    • Add a Site Column to a List
    • Site Content Type Gallery
    • Explore the Site Content Types Gallery
    • Creating Content Types
    • How to Create and Use Content Types
    • Lab: Exercises
  • Module 9: Office Integration
    • Excel Integration
    • Import Excel Spreadsheet to List
    • Export List Data to Excel
    • Outlook Integration
    • Create an Alert
    • Subscribe to a List's RSS Feed
    • Connect to Outlook
    • Access Integration
    • Open a List with Access
    • Lab: Click here to enter text.
  • Module 10: Managing SharePoint Site Permissions
    • SharePoint Groups
    • Assigning Permissions
    • Permission Levels
    • Permissions Inheritance
    • Lab: Exercise: Working with SharePoint Permissions
  • Module 11: Participating in User Communities
    • Configure User Profiles and My Sites
    • Newsfeeds
    • People Newsfeeds
    • Documents Newsfeed
    • Sites Newsfeed
    • Tags Newsfeed
    • Managing Personal Sites

Lab: Exercise: Managing and Viewing Personal Information and Content

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Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne

No previous experience is required

Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 3 dni

Certificate of completing an authorized Microsoft training 


Microsoft Certified Trainer 

Pozostałe szkolenia Microsoft | SharePoint

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