Szkolenia SUSE

Cel szkolenia szkolenie zdalne - dlearning

kod: SLE211v15 | wersja: 15.x

This course is designed to present current deployment technologies for those who want to deploy SLES on bare metal systems, in virtual environment or into Public Cloud platforms. Students will learn and perform basic installation using the unified installer along with more advanced deployment using AutoYaST and image-based deployment with images built using the KIWI tool.

This course helps prepare for the SCDS in SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 exam.


Key Objectives

Attendees will be taught the following concepts and skills: 

  • Preparing for SLES deployment 
  • Methods for deploying SLES 
  • Manual deployment of SLES 
  • Automated installation with AutoYaST 
  • Image based deployment using KIWI 
  • Deploying SLES to the Public Cloud platforms 



This course is designed for system administrators, consultants, technical sales representatives and support engineers. 

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

  • Section 1: Course Overview
  • Section 2: Preparing for SLES Deployment
    • Overview of Deploying SLES
    • Supported Platforms
    • SUSE Customer Center
    • Product Lifecycle
    • Access the Product Packages
    • Technology Previews
    • Products, Modules and Extensions
  • Section 3: Methods for Deploying SLES
    • Overview of Deployment Methods
    • Deployment Methods
    • Deployment Infrastructure
    • Deployment Services
  • Section 4: Manual Deployment of SLES
    • Overview of the Manual Deployment Process
    • Prepare for a Manual Installation
    • Deploy SLES Manually
    • Access a System during the Deployment
    • Remote installation Process
  • Section 5: Automated Deployment of SLES using AutoYaST
    • Introduction to AutoYaST
    • AutoYaST Components
  • Section 6: Image Based Deployment of SLES Using KIWI
    • Overview of KIWI
    • KIWI Basic Workflow
    • KIWI Build Host
    • KIWI Image Description File
    • Building KIWI Images
    • KIWI Image Maintenance
  • Section 7: Deploying SLES to the Public Cloud
    • Overview of the Public Cloud
    • Introduction to the Cloud Deployment Process
    • Prepare for Deployment
    • Bring Your Own Subscription or Pay As You Go?
    • Cloud Images
    • Deploy SLES to the Public Cloud
    • Manual Instance Deployment in the Cloud
    • Automated Deployment Tools
    • Post Deployment Configuration
Pobierz konspekt szkolenia w formacie PDF

Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne

Attendees should be familiar with using the Bash shell and the vim text editor, understand basic networking concepts and terminology. Previous experience with using Linux is required.

Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 3 dni

The participants will obtain certificates signed by SUSE.


Certified SUSE Trainer. 

Pozostałe szkolenia SUSE | Enterprise Linux

Szkolenia powiązane tematycznie


Open Source

Systemy operacyjne

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    cena od: 4890 PLN
    czas: 4 dni
    poziom trudności: 4 z 6
    kod: H41HNS
    wersja: v12.1
    forma szkolenia: distance learning
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