Szkolenia F5 Networks

Cel szkolenia szkolenie zdalne - dlearning

kod: F5N-LTM | wersja: v16.1

This course gives network professionals a functional understanding of BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager (LTM), introducing students to both commonly used and advanced LTM features. Incorporating lecture, extensive hands-on labs, and classroom discussion, the course helps students build the well-rounded skill set needed to manage BIG-IP LTM systems as part of a flexible and high performance application delivery network.

By the end of this course, the student should be able to use both the Configuration utility, TMSH, and Linux commands to configure and manage BIG-IP LTM systems in an application delivery network. In addition, students should be able to monitor the BIG-IP system to achieve operational efficiency, and establish and maintain high availability infrastructure for critical business applications.

This course is intended for network operators, network administrators, network engineers, network architects, security administrators, and security architects responsible for installation, setup, configuration, and administration of the BIG-IP LTM system.


Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

  1. Setting Up the BIG-IP System
    • Introducing the BIG-IP System
    • Initially Setting Up the BIG-IP System
    • Archiving the BIG-IP Configuration
    • Leveraging F5 Support Resources and Tools
  2. Reviewing Local Traffic Configuration
    • Reviewing Nodes, Pools, and Virtual Servers
    • Reviewing Address Translation
    • Reviewing Routing Assumptions
    • Reviewing Application Health Monitoring
    • Reviewing Traffic Behavior Modification with Profiles
    • Reviewing the TMOS Shell (TMSH)
    • Reviewing Managing BIG-IP Configuration Data
  3. Load Balancing Traffic with LTM
    • Exploring Dynamic Load Balancing Options
    • Using Priority Group Activation and Fallback Host
    • Comparing Member and Node Load Balancing
  4. Modifying Traffic Behavior with Persistence
    • Reviewing Persistence
    • Introducing SSL Persistence
    • Introducing SIP Persistence
    • Introducing Universal Persistence
    • Introducing Destination Address Affinity Persistence
    • Using Match Across Options for Persistence
  5. Monitoring Application Health
    • Differentiating Monitor Types
    • Customizing the HTTP Monitor
    • Monitoring an Alias Address and Port
    • Monitoring a Path vs. Monitoring a Device
    • Managing Multiple Monitors
    • Using Application Check Monitors
    • Using Manual Resume
  6. Processing Traffic with Virtual Servers
    • Virtual Servers Concepts
    • Path Load Balancing
    • Introducing Auto Last Hop
  7. Processing Traffic with SNATs
    • Overview of SNATs
    • SNAT Automap
    • SNAT Pools
    • SNATs as Listeners
    • SNAT Specificity
    • VIP Bounceback
    • Additional SNAT Options
    • Network Packet Processing
  8. Configuring High Availability
    • Sync-Failover Group Concepts
    • Synchronization, State and Failover
    • Traffic Group Concepts
    • N+1 Concepts
  9. Configuring High Availability Part 2
    • Failover Triggers and Detection
    • Stateful Failover
    • Device Group Communication
    • Sync-Only Device Groups
  10. Modifying Traffic with Profiles
    • Profiles Review
    • Common Protocol Profile Types and Settings
    • TCP Express Optimization
    • Performance Improvements
    • Configuring and Using Profiles
    • HTTP Profile Options
    • OneConnect
    • HTTP Compression
    • HTTP Caching
    • Stream Profiles
    • F5 Acceleration Technologies
    • Analytics
  11. Selected Topics
    • VLAN, VLAN Tagging, and Trunking
    • Restricting Network Access
    • SNMP Features
    • Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)
    • Route Domains
  12. Deploying Application Services with iApps
    • Simplifying Application Deployment with iApps
    • Using iApps Templates
    • Deploying an Application Service
    • Reconfiguring an Application Service
    • Leveraging the iApps Ecosystem on DevCentral
  13. Customizing Application Delivery with iRules and Local Traffic Policies
    • Getting Started with iRules
    • Triggering an iRule
    • Introducing iRule Constructs
    • Leveraging the DevCentral Ecosystem
    • Deploying and Testing iRules
    • Getting Started with Local Traffic Policies
    • Specifying Requires and Controls
    • Constructing and Managing Rules
  14. Final Lab Project
    • Lab Project Options
  15. Additional Training and Certification
    • Getting Started Series Web-Based Training
    • F5 Instructor Led Training Curriculum
    • F5 Professional Certification Program
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Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne

Before attending the LTM course is mandatory:

  • to take part in the BIG-IP Admin course 
  • or possession of F5-CA certification
  • or pass special assessment test with sore 70% or greater.

To take assessment test:
Step 1: get an account on F5 University
Step 2: goto My Training and find Administering BIG-IP Course Equivalency Assessment
Take the test. Pass mark is 70%
Step 3: take a screen shot as proof of results
If this prerequisite is not met, F5 Networks have the right to refuse entry to the class.

Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 3 dni

The participants will obtain certificates signed by F5 Networks (course completion).

This course also will help to prepare you for the F5 Networks LTM Specialist certification (F5-CTS) exams Exam 301a - LTM Specialist: Architect, Setup, and Deploy and Exam 301b - LTM Specialist: Maintain and Troubleshoot, which is available through the Pearson VUE test centers.


Certified F5 Networks Trainer.

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