Szkolenia Huawei

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kod: H-HCIP-Datacom-CT | wersja: v1.0

Huawei Certified ICT Professional-Datacom - Core Technology training and certificating senior engineers who possess advanced routing and switching knowledge and advanced skills in the datacom field.


After completing the HCIP-Datacom - Core Technology training, you will be able to:

  • Understand the entire process of forwarding data packets by network devices.
  • Understand the working principles and configurations of OSPF, IS-IS, and BGP.
  • Deploy route control and traffic path control.
  • Understand the working principles of RSTP/MSTP.
  • Understand the working principles of stacking technology.
  • Understand the working principle of multicast and set up a multicast network.
  • Configure ICMPv6, NDP, and IPv6 addresses.
  • Master Huawei firewall technologies.
  • Configure basic security features for network devices.
  • Master the basic configurations for network reliability.
  • Describe common network management protocols.
  • Understand Huawei enterprise datacom solutions.

Target Audience

  • Who want to become senior Data Communication engineers.
  • Who wants to obtain the HCIP-Datacom-Advanced Routing & Switching Technology Certification.

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

  • IP Routing Basics
    • Introduction to Network Devices: Hardware modules of modular switches, Three planes of network devices, Packet processing on network devices.
    • IP Routing Basics: RIB and FIB, Route import scenario.
  • OSPF Core Knowledge
    • OSPF Basics: Introduction to dynamic routing protocols, Basic OSPF concepts, Process of establishing an OSPF neighbor relationship, Basic OSPF configuration
    • OSPF Route Calculation: Intra-area route calculation, Inter-area route calculation, External route calculation
    • OSPF Special Area and Other Features: Stub area and totally stub area, NSSA area and totally NSSA area, Inter-area route summarization and external route summarization, OSPF Features
  • IS-IS Core Knowledge
    • IS-IS Principles and Configuration: Basic concepts of IS-IS, IS-IS working principle, Basic IS-IS configuration
  • BGP Core Knowledge
    • BGP Basics: BGP overview, Basic concepts of BGP, Basic BGP configuration
    • BGP Path Attributes and RRs
    • BGP route selection
    • BGP EVPN Basics: MP-BGP, EVPN overview, Common EVPN routes, Typical EVPN application scenarios
  • Routing and Traffic Control
    • Routing Policy and Route Control: Route matching tool, Routing policy tool, Route control cases
    • Traffic Filtering and Forwarding Path Control: Policy-based routing, MQC, Traffic filtering
  • Switching Core Knowledge
    • RSTP Principles and Configuration: RSTP overview, Improvements of RSTP over STP, RSTP working process, Basic RSTP configurations
    • MSTP Principles and Configuration: MSTP overview, Basic concepts of MSTP, Working principles of MSTP, Basic MSTP configuration
    • Stack and CSS: Overview of Stack and CSS technologies, Stacking principles, CSS principles, Basic configuration
  • Multicast Basics
    • IP Multicast Basics: Basic concepts of IP multicast, Multicast data forwarding principle
    • IGMP Principles and Configuration: IGMP working principle, Introduction to the IGMP feature
    • PIM Principles and Configuration: PIM basics, PIM-DM, PM-SM
  • IPv6 Core Knowledge
    • IPv6 Overview: IPv6 overview, Introduction to IPv6 addresses
    • ICMPv6 and NDP: ICMPv6 overview, NDP overview, Router discovery, Duplicate address detection, Redirection
    • IPv6 address configuration: IPv6 address configuration mode, Stateless IPv6 address autoconfiguration, DHCPv6, Implementation of IPv6 address autoconfiguration
  • Network Security Basics
    • Huawei Firewall Technology: Firewall overview, Basic concepts of firewalls, Basic firewall configuration
    • Network Device Security Features: Security hardening policies for common devices, Network device security hardening deployment example
    • VPN Technology Overview: VPN technology overview, Common VPN technologies
    • Basic Concepts and Applications of VRF
  • Network Reliability
    • BFD Principles and Configuration: BFD Overview, BFD working principle, BFD application scenarios, Basic BFD configurations
    • VRRP Principles and Configuration:VRRP overview, VRRP working principles, Typical VRRP application, Basic VRRP configuration
  • Network Service and Management
    • DHCP Principles and Configuration: DHCP background, DHCP working principle and configuration, DHCP Relay working principle and configuration
    • Introduction to Network Management Protocols: Development of network management, Functional features of network management, Network management protocols, Application scenarios of network management
  • Large-scale WLAN Architecture
    • Large-Scale WLAN Networking and Deployment: Overview of large-scale WLAN networking, VLAN pool, DHCP technology, Roaming technology, High reliability technology, Network Admission Control technology
  • Network Solution
    • Enterprise Datacom Solution Overview: Campus, Data center , SDN-WAN, SD-WAN
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Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne

Be familiar with common operations of Huawei network devices. Have the knowledge and skills described in the HCIA-Datacom.

Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 10 dni

The participants will obtain certificates signed by Huawei (course completion).

This course also helps you prepare for the Huawei HCIP-Datacom - Core Technology exam.

  • Exam Code: H12-821
  • Exam Type: Written examination
  • Exam Format: Single-answer Question,Multiple-answer Question,True or false,Short Response Item,Drag and Drop Item
  • Time: 90min

Passing Score/Total Score: 600/1000Datacom certification focuses on the application of datacom technologies in industry scenarios. The core technology of HCIP-Datacom includes the general knowledge that must be mastered in all scenarios of the datacom industry. It is the basis for learning each sub-direction. Each sub-direction represents a network scenario. Trainees can select one or more sub-directions based on their interests and career development plans.


Huawei Certified Trainer.

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