Szkolenia The Linux Foundation

Cel egzaminu

kod: FOCP

FinOps, or “Cloud Financial Operations” is the practice of bringing financial accountability to the variable spend model of cloud, enabling distributed teams to make business trade-offs between speed, cost, and quality.

Who Is It For:

The FinOps Certified Practitioner (FOCP) allows individuals in a large variety of cloud, finance and technology roles to validate their FinOps knowledge and enhance their professional credibility. The certification is designed for senior professionals who desire a basic understanding of FinOps and how it’s applied to enhance business value from cloud spend. Organizations undergoing a public cloud-first strategy or who are in the midst of a public cloud migration will also benefit greatly.

About This Certification:

The certification covers FinOps fundamentals and an overview of key concepts in each of the three sections of the FinOps lifecycle: Inform, Optimize and Operate.

What It Demonstrates:

A FinOps Certified Practitioner will bring a strong understanding of FinOps, its Principles, Capabilities and how to support and manage the FinOps Lifecycle to manage cost and usage of Cloud in your organization.

They will have an understanding of key concepts such as networking, storage, security, maintenance, logging and monitoring, application lifecycle, troubleshooting, API object primitives and the ability to establish basic use-cases for end users.

Plan egzaminu Rozwiń listę

Domains & Competencies

  • Challenge of Cloud 8%
    • Understand the challenges of working with Cloud
    • Recognize the differences between Cloud and Traditional IT
  • What is FinOps & FinOps Principles 12%
    • Define FinOps
    • Understand each of the FinOps Principles
  • FinOps Teams & Motivation 12%
    • Describe the skills, roles and responsibilities of a FinOps Team
    • Describe where a FinOps team would be situated
    • Understand what drives a FinOps team’s size, position and makeup
  • FinOps Capabilities28%
    • Understand the six pillars of FinOps Capabilities
    • Describe the activities associated with each capability
  • FinOps Lifecycle30%
    • Describe the FinOps lifecycle, its phases and purpose
    • Understand the basic processes that FinOps teams enact in the FinOps Lifecycle
  • Terminology & the Cloud Bill10%
    • Understand basic cloud, FinOps, DevOps & Finance terminology
    • Describe the characteristics of the Cloud Bills


This is an online non-proctored exam that can take up to 60 minutes to complete. It includes 50 multiple choice questions, some with multiple selections as indicated in the question text.

It will test your foundational knowledge of FinOps and its practice.


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Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne
  • Understand the basics of how cloud computing works, know the key services on your cloud providers, including their common use cases, and have a basic understanding of billing and pricing models.
  • Be able to describe the basic value proposition of running in cloud and understand the core concept of using a pay-as-you-go consumption model.
  • Have a base level of knowledge of at least one of the three main public cloud providers (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud). For AWS, we recommend AWS Business Professional training or, even better, the AWS Cloud Practitioner certification. For Google, check out the Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals course. For Azure, try the Azure Fundamentals learning path. Each can usually be completed in a full-day workshop.
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Czas trwania 1 dzień

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