Szkolenia The Linux Foundation

Cel szkolenia

kod: CTAD

The Certfied TARS Application Developer (CTAD) exam demonstrates an understanding of critical concepts in microservices and components/functions of the TARS Framework.

The Certified TARS Application Developer (CTAD) certification is ideal for users interested in demonstrating early proficiency and aptitude in microservices.

A Certified TARS Application Developer has entry-level skills and knowledge to develop microservices and other components within a TARS Framework. This exam is intended to demonstrate that certification holders understand a project’s resources to support continuous development, quickly building credibility and value in the job market.

The CTAD demonstrates candidates' knowledge about developing and maintaining microservices in the TARS Framework. The specific areas include: installing and operating TARS in Docker, Kubernetes, or from source code; creating a microservices application using the TARS Framework in a chosen programming language; and awareness of the functions/plugins available to maintain or scale up microservices applications in TARS.


Domains & Competencies:

  • Configuration 12%
    Configuration templates
    Customizing configuration file
    Configuration hierarchy and inheritance
  • Database & Storage 6%
    Volumes in Docker
  • Installation & Deployment 10%
    Source code
  • Logging & Monitoring 18%
    Dyeing logs
    Remote logging
    Properties monitoring
  • RPC & Networking 18%
    Tars protocols
    Serialization and deserialization
  • Scheduling 16%
    "IDC/SET "
    Load balancing
    Failure preventing (circuit breaker)
    Name service
  • TARS Core Concepts 8%
    Framework components
    Building a service
  • Testing 6%
    Interface debugger
  • Troubleshooting 6%
    Error scenarios
    Configuration errors

Exam Details & Resources:

This exam is an online, proctored, multiple-choice exam.

  • Linux Foundation Global Certification & Confidentiality Agreement
  • Candidate Handbook
  • CTAD Important Instructions

Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne

There are no pre-requisites for this exam.

Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 1 dzień

The participants will obtain certificates signed by The Linux Foundation


The Linux Foundation Certified Trainer 

Informacje dodatkowe

Certification Valid for 3 Years
Includes 12 Month Exam Eligibility
Free Retake
Multiple Choice Exam
Duration of Exam TBD

Pozostałe szkolenia The Linux Foundation | Exam

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Materiały ctab

Materiały ctab: cena zawiera tablet ctab oraz materiały szkoleniowe w formie elektronicznej bądź tradycyjne materiały szkoleniowe i materiały dodatkowe dostarczone w wersji elektronicznej w zależności od ustaleń z producentem (w postaci dokumentów PDF lub EPUB). Tak dostarczone materiały są przystosowane pod kątem wyświetlania ich na tablecie ctab. Po więcej informacji zajrzyj na stronę ctab.

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