Szkolenia Microsoft

Cel szkolenia szkolenie zdalne - dlearning

This five day course is an in depth hands-on study of HTML5, CSS3 and modern web and mobile development. The course includes detailed hands-on labs and Q&A labs. The labs include multiple projects, including one beginning to end web site.

Audience Profile

This class is targeted towards the professional developer new to HTML, self-taught HTML developers, graphics designers and those new to HTML development.

At Course Completion

  • Create HTML5 compliant web pages.
  • Test and validate HTML and CSS code.
  • Create CSS for style pages.
  • Work with experimental vendor prefixes.
  • Work with fonts and CSS font effects.
  • Work with color and color tools.
  • Layout pages and content using DIVs, iFrames and Tables.
  • Add and format images and CSS sprites.
  • Create HTML5 forms.
  • Embed and manage video and audio content.

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

  • A Brief History of HTML and the Web
    • Welcome!
    • History
    • Details, Details, Details…
    • The Life of a Web Page
    • HTTP Status Codes Definitions
    • Most Important Things to Know as a Web Developer
    • Lab: Getting Started with HTML
  • Core HTML Elements
    • HTML and CSS Editors
    • Text, Spaces and Tabs
    • Working with Tags
    • Attributes
    • Comments
    • Non-Standard Tags
    • Every Page Includes…
    • File Extensions
    • Core Page Elements
    • Nesting
    • Testing HTML
    • HTML and Text
    • Lab: Core HTML Elements
  • Cascading Style Sheets
    • Before CSS
    • With CSS
    • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
    • Adding CSS to a Page
    • Order of CSS Processing
    • Experimental Vendor Prefixes
    • CSS Units
    • The CSS Box Mode
    • Lab: Cascading Style Sheets
  • Fonts and Text
    • Fonts
    • CSS for Text
    • CSS Text Ticks!
    • Working with Lists
    • Upgrading and to Windows 7
    • Lab : Fonts and Text
  • Colors and Backgrounds
    • Specifying Colors
    • Applying Colors
    • Gradients
    • Lab : Colors and Backgrounds
    • Anchors and Hyperlinks
    • and CSS
    • Hyperlinks with Images and Other Objects
    • Buttons
    • Lab : Anchors and Hyperlinks
  • Page Layout
    • Page Layout Options
    • Tables for Data
    • DIVs
    • Float
    • SPAN
    • HTML 5 DIV-like Tags
    • Lab: Page Layouts
  • Images
    • Favicon
    • Preparing Images
    • Image Files
    • The IMG Tag
    • Background Images
    • Image Best Practices
    • CSS Sprites
    • Lab : Images
  • HTML Forms
    • A Basic Form
    • POST vs. GET
    • name vs. id
    • Basic Form Elements
    • Basic Form Attribute
    • Select
    • Uploading Files
    • HTML 5 Form Enhancements
    • DataList
    • Lab: HTML Forms
  • Multimedia
    • Video and Audio
    • HTML 5 Video
    • CSS
    • JavaScript
    • Audio
    • Hosting Videos in the Cloud
    • Working with Animated GIFs
    • Lab: Adding Videos to a Page
Pobierz konspekt szkolenia w formacie PDF

Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne
  • While any background in HTML or development is a plus, all you need are basic PC skills and a desire to learn web development.
Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 5 dni

Certificate of completing an authorized Microsoft training 


Microsoft Certified Trainer 

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