Szkolenia Microsoft

Cel szkolenia szkolenie zdalne - dlearning

kod: MS-55202 | wersja: A

Course 55202 is designed to get you up and running with Desired State Configuration (DSC). PowerShell DSC was introduced in version 4 and has been greatly expanded and enhanced in version 5. DSC goes hand-in-glove with implementation of DevOps the revolutionary methodology to join the development and operations teams.

After completing the course, students will be able to:

  • Understand Desired State Configuration.
  • Understand that PowerShell handles both imperative and declarative language.
  • Understand DSC requirements.

Audience profile:

This is considered a skillset that all operations team need to master, and all developers should be familiar with the technology so they can develop DSC Resources to be used in deploying their software.

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

    1. Course Overview
      • Introduction
      • Course Materials
      • Facilities
      • Prerequisites
      • What We'll Be Discussing
    2. PowerShell 5.0 Desired State Configuration Introduction
      • Understanding Desired State Configuration
      • Understanding DSC Metaphor
      • PowerShell is Imperative, or Declarative, or Both?
      • Exploring DSC
      • Examining Why to Put Effort into DSC
      • Understanding DSC Requirements
      • Examining PowerShell Version 4: DSC Features Added
      • Exploring PowerShell Version 5: DSC Improvements
    3. DSC Architecture
      • Taking a Preliminary Look
      • Updating the Help System
      • Exploring Management Models
      • Reviewing the MOF File Creation Workflow
      • Examining Methodologies of Configuration Data
      • Exploring Functions and Cmdlets Available for DSC with WMF 5.0
      • Understanding DSC Pull Server
    4. DSC Configuration Files
      • Preparing the Environment
      • Defining a DSC Configuration Script
      • Configuration Keyword
    5. DSC Resources
      • Examining File Resource
      • Exploring Archive Resource
      • Examining Environment Resource
      • Exploring Group Resource
      • Examining Log Resource
      • Understanding Package Resource
      • Examining Registry Resource
      • Exploring Script Resource
      • Examining Service Resource
      • Exploring User Resource
      • Examining WindowsFeature Resource
      • Understanding PsDscRunAsCredential
    6. DSC Pull and Push Servers
      • Discussing Parameters
      • Examining a Push Mode Example
      • Exploring the Pull Mode
      • Reviewing the Local Configuration Manager (LCM)
      • Placing Configurations and Resources for Distribution by the Pull Server
      • Discussing Configuration Drift
      • Debugging DSC in Version 5
    7. Appendix: PowerShell 5.0 Basics
      • Introduction to PowerShell
      • Utilizing PowerShell
      • The Pipeline
      • Processing Data with Loops
      • Scripting and Functions


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Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne

The students are expected to understand the basics of PowerShell.

Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 2 dni

Certyfikat ukończenia autoryzowanego kursu Microsoft.


Microsoft Certified Trainer.

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