Szkolenia Microsoft

Cel szkolenia szkolenie zdalne - dlearning

kod: MS-55072 | wersja: A

What do we mean by no code? It is a matter of perspective. In today’s world the successful software vendor needs to develop software that is easily customizable by casual users. In the realm of business intelligence that means offering a variety of tools to different types of users that, depending on their experience, they can utilize to rapidly create the visualization of data that suits their needs. Microsoft has produced a great array of such tools that target different users. These tools are various Wizards, Dialog Boxes, Forms, Web Pages Designers and so forth. In this course we utilize the built in tools and do not write a single line of code!

No Code visualization means using the data structures that exist already to get the job done. You don’t have the time or maybe the inclination to learn how to code but you need answers. I.T., if you haven’t already noticed, is always working through a backlog but your business situation is dynamic and rapidly changing and will not wait for any backlog. In this course you will learn how to get those answers without submitting a request and waiting.

Why this course may be for you:

  • You have the infrastructure but getting reports generated out of I.T. just takes too long.
  • Lack of insight into what has happened is hampering your ability to move forward.
  • You need or want to use the web browser as your source of information so that it is as accessible as the internet.
  • You want to take advantage of the SharePoint deployment to manage the data connections, report objects, dashboards KPI’s etc.
  • You need to rapidly prototype reports for changing conditions.
  • You want to move from textual reports to graphical reporting.
  • You are tasked with implementing Six Sigma type reports using Visio Data Driven objects.
  • Your organization wants to implement analysis based on automatically updating data.
  • You need to implement a “Single Source of The Truth” structure.
  • You need to understand the effectiveness of the reports and dashboards.
  • You need an understanding of the tools that are available and how to determine which is the target audience for those tools.
  • You need to implement actionable dashboards to allow line managers to rapidly take action.

Audience profile:

The target audience of this course is for Business Analysts, Report Designers, Team Leads, SharePoint Administrators, Business Intelligence Developers and Project Managers that will be tasked with the implementation, support, management or training needed to rapidly empower the users to take advantage of the exploding world of Data V.

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

  1. Introduction
    • What does NO Code mean?
    • How to get the most out of this course
    • The course setup
    • What is not covered?
  2. Data Visualizations
    • Data Visualization Fundamentals
    • The Microsoft Toolsets for Visualizations
  3. Dashboard Design Principles
    • Successful dashboards
    • Quantitative relationships
    • Summary numbers
    • Tables or graphs?
    • Types of graphs
    • Key performance indicators
    • Dashboard taxonomies
    • Pitfalls in dashboard design
  4. Microsoft Business Intelligence Stack
    • Microsoft Business Intelligence Overview
    • Business Intelligence in three ways
    • SQL Integration Services ETL
    • Reporting Services
    • Master Data Services
    • Data Quality Services
    • SharePoint 2013 Business Intelligence
  5. Report Builder 3.0
    • Introduction to Report Builder 3.0
    • Report Builder 3.0 Wizards
    • Report Builder 3.0 Graphics
    • Intermediate Reports
  6. PowerPivot and PowerView
    • PowerPivot
    • DAX
    • PowerView
  7. SharePoint 2014 Excel Services
    • New 2013 Excel Services Features
    • Core Components
    • Excel Web Access (EWA)
    • What Excel Web Access is Not
    • Differences in the Browser vs. Desktop
    • SharePoint Libraries to Store Workbooks
    • Power View Add-in for Excel
    • The Save and Share Process
    • Excel Web App
    • Best Practices
  8. SharePoint 2013 PerformancePoint Services
    • New 2013 Overview of PerformancePoint Services
    • Dashboard Designer
    • Data Sources
    • Indicators
    • KPIs
    • Visual Reports
    • Filters
    • Scorecards
    • Dashboards
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