Szkolenia Microsoft

Cel szkolenia szkolenie zdalne - dlearning

kod: MS-55217 | wersja: A

This course delivers the complete site owner story from start to finish in an engaging and practical way to ensure you have the confidence to plan and create new sites or manage your existing sites. Your goal is to learn how to make SharePoint relevant to your team by using a sites functionality to help you share information and collaborate with your colleagues. During the class you will also learn best practices and ‘what not to do’ as you watch live, interactive demonstrations and put theory into practise with hands on exercises.

After completing the course, students will be able to:

  • Understand and describe the functionality of SharePoint 2016
  • Create and Delete Sites
  • Create and Managing Web Pages including content such as pictures and videos

Audience profile:

This course is intended for anyone who wants to become the ultimate site owner; whether you are building sites for yourself or helping other people to create and maintain their sites.

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

    1. An Introduction to SharePoint 2016
      • An Overview of SharePoint 2016
      • SharePoint Versions
      • Central Repository for Information
      • Roles in SharePoint
      • Web Content Management
      • Site Visitors
      • Team Collaboration
      • Site Members
      • Search
      • Site Owners
      • Social Computing
      • Site Collection Administrator
      • Workflows
      • Farm Administrator
      • Business Intelligence
      • Security Trimming
    2. Creating Sites
      • An Introduction to Site Topology
      • Navigating SharePoint Sites
      • When to Create a Site and Where?
      • Applying Custom Themes to a Site
      • How to Create a New Site
      • Building the Site Navigation Bar
      • Site Templates
      • Deleting Sites
      • Team Sites
      • Recovering Deleted Sites
      • Project Sites
      • Blog Sites
      • Community Sites
      • Publishing Sites
    3. Creating and Managing Web Pages
      • Introducing Wiki Pages
      • Introducing the Publishing Site
      • Adding Wiki Pages
      • Create and Edit Publishing Pages
      • Adding Rich Content to Wiki Pages
      • Using Page Layouts
      • Promoted Links
      • Web Page Metadata
      • Adding and Modifying Web Parts
      • Site Collection Images
      • Deleting Wiki Pages
      • Renditions
      • Reusable Content
      • Web Page Approval
      • Scheduling Pages
    4. Defining Business Information & Retention
      • Managed Metadata Service
      • Information Management Policies
      • An Introduction to Content Types
      • The Records Center
      • Create & Manage Content Types
      • The Content Organizer
      • Content Type Settings
      • Document IDs
      • Using Content Types in Apps
      • In Place Records Management
      • The Content Type Hub
      • Deploying Content Types
    5. Adding and Configuring Apps
      • Adding List & Library Apps
      • Popular List & Library Templates
      • Managing List & Library Settings
      • Add, Modify, Upload, and Delete Content in Apps
      • Create and Manage App Columns
      • Adding Site Columns
      • Sort and Filter Content
      • Create and Manage Public Views
      • Personal Views
      • Working with Document Sets
      • Using Alerts in Apps
      • Creating App Templates
      • Office 2016 Integration with SharePoint Apps
      • On Premises Apps
      • SharePoint Marketplace Apps
      • Office Integration
      • Integration with Microsoft Office
      • SharePoint Designer 2013
      • Co-Authoring
      • InfoPath Designer 2013
      • Outlook 2016
      • OneDrive for Business
    6. Building Processes with Workflows
      • An Introduction to Workflows
      • Adding Workflows
      • Workflow Scenarios
      • Removing Workflows
      • Creating Workflows
      • Third Party Workflow Tools
      • Configuring Workflow Settings
    7. Customizing Security
      • An Introduction to Security
      • Creating Groups
      • Access Requests
      • How Inheriting Security Works
      • Share Sites and Files
      • Securing Apps, Folders, Files/Items
      • Approving Access Requests
      • Managed Metadata Security
      • Creating Permission Levels
      • OneDrive Security
    8. Communicating with Social Tools
      • An Introduction to Social Tools
      • Community Sites
      • Updating your Profile
      • Community Portal
      • Blog Sites
      • Skype for Business
      • Newsfeeds
    9. Working with Search
      • Searching in SharePoint 2016
      • How Search Works
      • Refinements
      • Promoted Results
      • Search Criteria
      • Search Web Parts
      • People Search
      • How Can Search be Customised?
    10. Building Business Scenarios
      • Creation and Storage of Outlines
      • Project Expense Claim Processing
      • New Course Creation Process


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Wymagania wstępne

No previous knowledge is required to attend this course.

Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 4 dni

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