Szkolenia Google Cloud

Cel szkolenia szkolenie zdalne - dlearning

kod: GC-IUCGAI | wersja: v1.0

In this course, you explore generative AI (Gen AI) use cases across specific industries using Google Cloud. After discussing generative AI in general, you will do a deep dive into two generative AI use cases and then explore your own use case within the same framework. This course targets professionals across different roles, including business analysts, data scientists, software developers, business users, and decision-makers, who are specifically interested in leveraging generative AI for business solutions.

What you'll learn:

  • Gain insights into real-world generative AI use cases across industries such as retail, automotive, software development, and financial services.
  • Participants will become familiar with the generative AI tools available on Google Cloud including Gemini and Vertex AI Agent Builder.
  • How to identify and prioritize possible applications in your organization.

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

  • Module 1 - Understanding Generative AI
    • Topics:
      • GenAI versus AI/ML
      • GenAI Applications
      • Business Impact of GenAI
    • Objectives:
      • Define generative AI as a subset of AI.
      • Discuss the potential impact of AI on organizations.
      • Provide examples of generative AI applications.
  • Module 2 - Use Case: Marketing and Customer Outreach
    • Topics:
      • Challenge and use case definition
      • Value to business
      • Components of the solution
      • Solution demo and discussion
    • Objectives:
      • Understand the business use case to be discussed.
      • Discuss the business value of implementing a Gen-AI-powered solution.
      • Understand the solution components and which teams would be responsible.
  • Module 3 - Use Case: Drive Store Productivity
    • Topics:
      • Challenge and use case definition
      • Value to business
      • Components of the solution
      • Solution demo and discussion
    • Objectives:
      • Understand the business use case to be discussed.
      • Discuss the business value of implementing a Gen-AI-powered solution.
      • Understand the solution components and which teams would be responsible.
  • Module 4 - Ideating your Gen AI use cases
    • Topics:
      • Generative AI use cases
      • Evaluation of use cases
    • Objectives:
      • Identify possible generative AI use cases.
      • Evaluate and discuss generative AI use cases.
Pobierz konspekt szkolenia w formacie PDF

Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne

There are no prerequisites for this course. The workshop aims to provide both introductory and advanced insights into Gen AI, making it suitable for individuals with varying levels of AI expertise.

Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 1 dzień

The participants will obtain certificates signed by Google Cloud


Authorized Google Cloud Trainer

Pozostałe szkolenia Google Cloud | AI and Machine Learning

Szkolenia powiązane tematycznie


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Google Cloud